Saturday, August 13, 2022

Facts and ideology

 There are no right-wing facts and left-wing facts, there are just, well, facts. Alternative facts are what is known in logic as falsehoods. 

C. Everett Koop, an icon of the pro-life movement, who was Reagan's Surgeon General, remembered this when he refused to state that getting an abortion is traumatizing to the women who get them. 

People on both sides of the political aisle can learn from his example. 



JAB128 said...

They sure can: The Quash: Voting Season is Here

oozzielionel said...

How short is the distance from a fact to its interpretation?

David Duffy said...

Every fact is only a fact with an agreed definition. The alternative facts are in the definitions. There are increasingly right-wing and left-wing definitions, such as "what is a woman?"

David Duffy said...

Is Kamala Harris a woman? Was 1/6 an insurrection? Does abortion harm women? Was Trump an orange Hitler? Can men give birth? Can we "follow the science?"

Give me the facts.

David Duffy said...

Forgive me for overthinking about this post, but it is the Left that keeps changing the definitions on important topics such as marriage, gender, racial segregation, science, democracy, what is a baby... If you don't agree with their definitions, you don't agree with "the facts."

One Brow said...

Limited Perspective,

We all exist in a world of partials, fuzziness, and in-betweenness. Sharp categories make thinking easier, but they fail us in the end. Dividing humans into two genders has always been imposed, not organic. Racial segregation has always had multiple layers and means of expression. Democracy comes in a hundred different forms in our world, some less democratic than others.

oozzielionel said...

" Dividing humans into two genders has always been imposed, not organic." In the past, that sentence was clearly reversed. Gender used to be strictly organic, even biologic. The facts were clear until a few years ago when we decided to play games with language and our concept of self-identity. Now some are attempting to impose an artificial layer on a biological fact.

David Duffy said...

"We all exist in a world of partials"

Of coarse everyone recognizes we live, if you have any life experience at all, in a world of partials. What an inane comment. The Right and the Left have different definitions of what is flexible and partial and what is less flexible and more absolute.

I would consider race flexible and partial (people from different races have children together) and therefore it is idiotic to base policy on race. Gender is less flexible and more absolute (people from the same gender can not have children together--please save me the absurd counter argument) and therefore it is easier to base policy on gender issues.

One Brow said...

oozzielionel said...
In the past, that sentence was clearly reversed. Gender used to be strictly organic, even biologic.

Except, not. There has always been intersex people, androgen insensitive people, etc. The acknowledgement of exactly two biological sexes was also an imposition, not an organic notion.

One Brow said...

Limited Perspective,
What an inane comment.

In light of your recognition of this, I would say that "keeps changing the definitions on important topics" was even more inane.

I would consider race flexible and partial ...

So, you would agree with the left here, many of who would go even further to say race is not a biological feature, but a social constructiuon.

please save me the absurd counter argument

If you prefer that I do not counter your inanity, I shall comply.

David Duffy said...

One Brow,

I did like your rejoinder to my comment. You do have sharpness that I enjoy.

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Blake Reas said...

It is one of the great mistakes that the pro-life movement does not accept the fact that many women want to have abortions. It is also a tragedy that most pro-life groups do not push for murder charges on women and doctors who commit abortions.