Monday, March 29, 2010

A secular debate about abortion

Here is a debate on Internet Infidels between two atheists, Jennifer Roth and Richard Carrier, on the abortion issue. The debate's very existence should undermine any idea you might have had that the abortion issue is all about religion.


  1. There's also this:

  2. Marquis, I think, is an atheist and has the best anti abortion argument I know of

  3. Ugh...

    From the website:

    Name: Rev. Rachel Hartman
    Location: Spokane, WA
    Nontheist position: Agnostic; I believe all life is precious and unique.
    Pro-life position: Allow Exceptions for Life of mother, Health of mother, Rape, Incest; I personally think should be made more difficult to get abortions, it is WAY TOO EASY.
    Political affiliation/orientation: None; I vote fot the lesser of 2 evils. ;-> / None; My political orientation is my own ethical premise; I have both conservative and liberal views.

    It is obvious what lesson to draw from this... Egalitarianism leads to agnostic clergy...

  4. I guess things you initially think are an oxymoron later turn out to actually exist.

  5. Ms Roth raises a few decent points. BY conceiving a child, the bio-parents do, arguably , create an obligation; and at the same time, the person they create does have some rights (like, not to be harmed).

    The only grounds for abortion then should be unplanned preg.,(or emergencies, rapes, etc) which itself might be a type of...crime. Allow only in first trimester, but have the aborting fem. pay a fine (later term a felony or something). 2nd abortion, sterilization, and/or jail time.

    Nipped it in the bud.

  6. i just participated in my college on a debate over abortion. i wish i had access to this before the debate. =/
