Monday, February 25, 2019

What is repentance?

Repentance means walking back the states of mind the led you to sin. It means setting yourself the task, in Christianity with the aid of the Holy Spirit, of ceasing to be the kind of person that committed that immoral act in the first place. That is no fun. Sinful acts are attempts to satisfy sinful desires, and repentance involves undercutting the grip of those desires on you. It's supposed to be painful. The idea that "Oh, I can sin, and then just repent later" is a self-defeating one. It's something that will make your life tougher in the long run.


bmiller said...

So does the US press practice a Christian understanding of repentance?

Some don't think so.

Kevin said...

If repentance is more than expressing remorse for wrongdoing, then the US press has never repented.

Victor Reppert said...

The US Press is not a person, and by definition cannot repent.

bmiller said...

So do the people who make up the US Press practice professional repentance?

Victor Reppert said...

They're all individuals. (I'm not. I'm not either). I am sure some do, and some don't.