Wednesday, March 09, 2022

My book was translated into Polish

 Yesterday I got four copies of a Polish translation of C. S. Lewis's Dangerous Idea. It was translated into Korean a number of years ago, but I was really surprised to see this. 


  1. I enjoyed reading your blog post.
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    I am always looking for something like this type of blog post. I hope to see you again…

  2. I'm not at all surprised. Of all contemporary European nations, Poland is most attuned to the words of the Almighty, and most aware of the immeasurable debt it owes to the Gospel in its liberation from totalitarian bondage. I am confident that your sowing the Good Seed of Truth will find fertile soil in Poland, and a hundred fold harvest will be reaped.

  3. I was wondering if you have ever addressed J.B.S. Haldane's criticisms of CS Lewis. I recently found a webpage of 2 essays that Haldane wrote in response to some of Lewis's arguments (such as the Argument from Reason, and the Argument from Desire).

    Here's a link to the webpage giving Haldane's criticisms of Lewis.

  4. If you will remember, Lewis quotes Haldane's argument against materialism in Miracles, but Haldane backs down from that argument in an essay entitled "I Repent an Error." I said something about this in this previous post.
