Sunday, September 06, 2020

I support Obamacare--for selfish reasons?

 I would never have been able to get get cancer prevention surgery in 2017 under the old system. It would have been sufficiently "emergent" only if I had come in with cancer, which means I might be dead now if the Affordable Care Act had not been passed. I contracted a chronic auto-immune disease at 23, and no one has wanted to sell me health insurance since. Unfortunately, I haven't had employment situations that allowed me to get health care through an employer, so I was on self-pay through much of my adult life. Until Obamacare.

I suppose you can say my reasons for supporting Obamacare are self-centered, though I no longer need Obamacare. If you could show me that the interests of others as a whole would be improve by a repeal of Obamacare and a return to the old system, I am more than willing to consider it.


  1. Obamacare is a garbage system, because private insurance coupled with heavy regulation is a garbage system.

    I'm willing to look at completely free market solutions, but government-supplied health care seems to be the only game in town to ensure healthcare for the most people.

  2. So you think the profit motive should be in control of healthcare?

    Not especially, but if the free market was able to produce a good system that included everyone, I wouldn't reject simply because people were making money off of it.

    I doubt the free market is capable of such a system, but that's a different issue.

  3. The free market system didn't include me. Obamacare did. But even though it saved my life, did it hurt other people so much that I should want the free market back?

  4. It wasn't a free market system, though. It was a complete mess, just like it is today. So to me it's fair to say the previous system failed you, but it's not fair to say the free market system failed you. If the most die-hard libertarians were given carte blanche to redesign the health insurance market, it would look absolutely nothing like what we had prior to Obamacare.

    I find that most people want the systems that benefitted them most, which is why there are people with legitimate grievances with Obamacare. But it is quite reasonable for those who benefitted from Obamacare to support it.

  5. Victor,

    The free market system didn't include me. Obamacare did. But even though it saved my life, did it hurt other people so much that I should want the free market back?

    What if your surgery ended up being affordable under a different system but Obamacare would make it free to you? Would you still favor Obamacare?

  6. It wasn't free under Obamacare. But it was affordable.

    I have to wonder what a libertarian reform of the health care system would look like. But you are right on one important point: we didn't have anything like pure capitalism before Obamacare, and we don't have socialism because of Obamacare.

  7. I have a friend that is insured through a health-care cooperative.

    Not sure if this is the one, but it sounds like this one is structured similarly. This avoids insurance altogether and is Christian friendly.

    There are other co-ops that are arranged differently and do pool resources for insurance. There are more possible solutions than only what you hear on TV.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

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