Monday, July 27, 2020

Which roommate would you prefer?

We think there is a moral difference between killing someone and letting them die.
However the cases may not be so different. Imagine Smith, who stands to inherit money if his six year old cousin dies. He finds him in the bathtub and drowns him.
Jones, on the other hand, stands to inherit similarly, but sees the child slip and fall, and he lets the child die. Both men’s actions are directed toward the same goal, but one of them actively causes the child’s death, and the other does not.
Rachels says there isn’t. The two people have the same intentions. The difference has to do with what opportunities each had.
However, James Wallace, my instructor at University of Illinois at Urbana, argued against this. He asked us to consider two roommates. One of them is willing to kill you. The other won’t kill you, but is prepared to let you die. Which would you prefer as your roommate? Amanda Knox? 


  1. Not much of a choice, it seems to me.

  2. What Hal said. You can go to sleep around the one who would let you die.

  3. Does it follow from this that there IS a morally relevant difference between killing someone and letting someone die?

  4. I don't really equate action and inaction.

    Say three men are arrested for a theft. Johnson is innocent while Smith and Jones are guilty.

    Smith knows that Johnson is innocent, so he tells this to the police. Jones also knows that Johnson is innocent, but he also knows there is video evidence of the theft, so he says nothing, knowing Johnson will be vindicated by the video.

    Did Jones' inaction put him on the same moral level as Smith's action, despite both resulting in the same thing? I think not.

    Interestingly enough, inaction does not look good in a moral light from multiple perspectives. Being lukewarm will get you spit right out!

  5. Does having a "moral difference" allow for different degrees of wrongness? Can we say the man who lets the child die is wrong to a slightly lesser degree than the active murderer?

  6. Dante certainly thought there were degrees of wrongness, as illustrated by his Inferno having multiple circles of increasing evil, beginning with the second circle of lust and descending to the ninth circle of treachery. And several circles were themselves divided into finer levels of depravity (especially the eighth, into ten sublevels). And even individual sinners in each circle were subjected to differing levels of punishment.

    St. Paul wrote that there were differing degrees of glory (the opposite of guilt). "There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars; for star differs from star in glory."
    (1 Corinthians 15:41)
