Friday, July 17, 2020

Marx and Rand

Karl Marx and Ayn Rand were both atheists, but their idea of what is moral could not have been more different.

But it seems as if both of their systems of thought can do a lot of harm if widely accepted. 


  1. Karl Marx and Ayn Rand put the lie to that ridiculous chart that atheists love to publish, showing "religion" as a branching tree, spreading and mutating through time, whilst "atheism" is a straight, unbroken, and un-branching line from ancient times until now. But in reality, there are as many variants of atheism as there are of religious belief.

  2. " that ridiculous chart that atheists love to publish,"
    I have never seen any such chart, nor have I ever heard any atheist refer to such a chart.

    I have no idea what you are talking about, and clearly, neither do you.

  3. I do not converse with or respond to racist bigots, but to those of you who may be wondering about the referenced chart, it's a favorite of John Loftus, who has posted it repeatedly to his blog Debunking Christianity. For all I know, he is the creator of it.

  4. Marxism is not a variant of atheism any more Jewish economists won Nobel prizes in economics for publishing variants of Judaism.

    "Karl Marx and Ayn Rand were both atheists, but their idea of what is moral could not have been more different.
    But it seems as if both of their systems of thought can do a lot of harm if widely accepted. "
    So can systems of thought published by Christians, what is the point?

    Yes, of course, some people do bad things or spread bad ideas.

    I have never heard any atheist say that if one is an atheist then that immunizes one from committing harmful acts or publishing bad ideas.

  5. Starhopper,
    Karl Marx and Ayn Rand put the lie to that ridiculous chart that atheists love to publish, showing "religion" as a branching tree, spreading and mutating through time, whilst "atheism" is a straight, unbroken, and un-branching line from ancient times until now.

    I haven't seen that chart, but that makes as much sense as comparing the sequence of sounds from an airplane crashing to the sequence of sounds from a soundless room.

  6. StardustyPsyche,
    Marxism is not a variant of atheism any more Jewish economists won Nobel prizes in economics for publishing variants of Judaism.

    True, but Marxism relies on atheism just as much economists rely on mathematics.
