Saturday, May 16, 2020

Is there a charitable interpretation for this?


This is my translation.

"If we test fewer people for coronavirus, fewer people will be diagnosed with it, and if they die, fewer of their death will be attributed to the coronavirus. They'll be just as dead, but at least the coronavirus numbers won't get higher, and it won't hurt my re-election prospects."

Uncharitable? Sure. TDS? Maybe,  But how do you interpret it?


  1. bmiller,

    How do you feel your extended quote changes the meaning of Dr. Reppert's re-phrase into something more palatable? Why is it better to do less testing, and for whom?

  2. Sorry One Brow, I don't understand why you're asking me how I feel. But I'm fine, and you? Thanks for asking.

    Out of context quote as the start of the article:
    “When you test, you have a case. When you test, you find something is wrong with people. If we didn’t do any testing, we would have very few cases. They don't want to write that, but it's common sense,”

    Full quote (from the middle of a very long transcript):
    "And don’t forget: We have more cases than anybody in the world. But why? Because we do more testing. When you test, you have a case. When you test, you find something is wrong with people. If we didn’t do any testing, we would have very few cases. They don’t want to write that. It’s common sense. So we test much more many, many times."

    We do more testing than anywhere so we detect more cases. If we didn't test we would have fewer cases reported. Since we are testing more than anywhere it seems we are doing more testing rather than less.

  3. bmiller,

    First, it factually untrue that we test more than anyone. It's definitely false per capita, and also false in total count (China dwarfs us in raw numbers).

    Second, what's the positive interpretation of speculating on seeing fewer cases if we test less?

  4. One Brow,

    Your first statement is making claims the article didn't so it's a red herring.

    Regarding your second statement:
    I have no idea what you're reading into a simple statement that is explaining why testing more people reveals more cases than testing less. It's an attempt to explain the larger number of cases in the US than in countries that test less.

    I'm done with this discussion.

  5. bmiller,
    " They don’t want to write that. "

    "Fake news. So yes, TDS."

    That gets written again and again. His statement is fake, it is a lie, as usual.

    Trump is continually claiming this or that obvious and often discussed subject is somehow unknown.

    Trump Derangement Syndrome is a state wherein the sufferer does not realize Trump is by far the most ignorant, dishonest, criminal, corrupt, lazy, incompetent president we have ever had, by far, nobody else is even in the same ballpark.

    If you don't understand that obvious fact, you suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome.

  6. bmiller
    “you've already lost a bunch of commentors and you'll lose more”
    Oh, is your Trumpy religoconservative mind, having been exposed repeatedly to the guilt all Trump voters share, about to reach its cognitive dissonance breaking point? Boo Hoo.

    Yes, Legion of Logic said it, he is disconnecting from his liberal contacts. See, that’s the difference between the Trumpies and the anti Trumpers, we the majority voted against this sick incompetent criminal now the POTUS, so it does not hurt we the majority to continue to engage the ignorant minority, but for some people, they just cannot take having the guilt of their destructively ignorant actions thrown up in their faces again and again, so they disengage so as to be able to retreat to the fantasy that somehow they do not share the guilt of having acted to put in office the most deplorable individual ever to hold that office.

    You have Trump Derangement Syndrome.

    In your deranged pathetic little excuse for a rational thought processing mind, you actually think Trump is something other than the most criminal, dishonest, lazy, ignorant, con ever to have been most unfortunately placed in office by the minority, of the likes of you, as the holder of the office of the POTUS.

    Don’t let the door slam your ass on your way out. We, the majority, are planning to kick out that deranged ultra criminal jackass that the bottom 40%, in their state of Trump Derangement Syndrome, so avidly admires.

  7. I don't know about your name, Stardusty. Wasn't that one of our Dear Leader's mistresses? Perhaps the undocumented immigrant from Pottsylvania, dahlink?

  8. Starhopper
    "Wasn't that one of our Dear Leader's mistresses? "
    No such name appears in a search of the link you provided.

    Here is a guy who knows the POTUS well, has been his friend for many years, describing part of how Trump's supporters are so very deranged.
    From 0:10 to 0:52
