Friday, July 12, 2019

Why Trump is a Racist


I don't use this accusation lightly, and am fully aware that people throw the term around too loosely. But, sorry folks, it really does apply to the 45th President of the United States, and there is no getting around it. If you are accepting him as either passable as President, or at least preferable to, say, the pro-choice position of the Democrats, at least be aware of the price you are paying in supporting a racist as President of the United States.


  1. With Trump, the best evidence that he is a racist is, simply, that he states that he is the least racist person there is. Anytime Trump says something, especially about himself, it is almost always a lie.

  2. If you are accepting him as either passable as President, or at least preferable to, say, the pro-choice position of the Democrats, at least be aware of the price you are paying in supporting a racist as President of the United States.

    Democrats and leftists are seemingly universal in describing conservatives and Republicans as racist, sexist, stupid, ignorant, backward, selfish, and so on and so on, always and forever.

    I see no reason why that level of hate and bigotry against fully half the population should be more acceptable than racism. So if Trump being a racist makes him unacceptable, then he can take the entirety of the Democratic Party into the bigotry garbage disposal with him.

  3. If you are accepting him as either passable as President, or at least preferable to, say, the pro-choice position of the Democrats, at least be aware of the price you are paying in supporting a racist as President of the United States.

    If you read left-leaning publications Trump is the Devil. If you read right-leaning publications Trump is the Savior. I don't think he's either.

    But what is intriguing is that it appears leftists have been reduced to a single criticism of their opponents. That of "racism".

    It's gotten to the point that they are even accusing each other of it:
    Pelosi has been accused of "the persistent singling out ... it got to a point where it was just outright disrespectful ... the explicit singling out of newly elected women of color,"

    Seems everyone is a racist now no matter what. So since everyone is a racist, it doesn't matter. But not everyone is pro-life so at least we can choose someone who is.

  4. That does seem to be the playbook. If I call John Kerry an idiot, no one cares. If I call Hillary Clinton an idiot, I'm sexist. If I call Barack Obama an idiot, I'm a racist. If I call AOC an idiot, I'm both racist and sexist.

    This is why I simply do not listen to anyone to the left of Mitt Romney when they start screaming about racism or sexism. My initial reaction is "Let me guess, they criticized someone who isn't a straight white male." Too much noise, too many false accusations, too much blatant reliance on using bigotry accusations as a political bludgeon for me to listen anymore.

    This is unfortunate since, such as in the case of the OP, someone can actually bring up meaningful things to consider, yet I am generally inclined to ignore "RACIST" wherever I see it, thanks entirely to the slimy tactics of the left.

    If only they would police their own side, and not just when that tactic gets turned on each other. Maybe then actual racist behavior would be more visible.

  5. If I call John Kerry an idiot, no one cares.

    Ha! If you (a conservative) call John Kerry (a leftist) an idiot you are a racist. And it doesn't even matter what race you really are.

  6. Saying "Trump is a racist" is not a partisan statement. It isn't "political" at all. It's a bald, unemotional statement of provable fact, like saying the Orioles are the worst team in professional baseball today. You may not like what it says (I certainly do not.. about the Orioles, that is), but it is nevertheless true regardless of your feelings about it.


    - tells non-white US-born Congresswomen to "go back to the countries from which they came."
    - claims a US-born judge of Hispanic heritage is unable to judge a case involving himself (a white person).
    - calls white nationalist murderers "very fine people".
    - his admiration for slavery-supporting Confederate leaders.
    - compares all-white Norway favorably to non-white "shithole countries".
    - says all Muslims should be banned from entering the US "until we figure out what the hell is going on."
    - imprisons migrant children in what are effectively concentration camps on our southern border.
    - his refusal to acknowledge that Puerto Ricans are US citizens.
    - has repeated said "We are losing our culture" to immigrants.
    - Compared Syrian war refugees to snakes.
    - In that same vein, has repeatedly used language that would have felt right at home in Der Stürmer, such as rats, vermin, an infestation, disease-ridden, an invasion, etc., etc., to describe non-white immigrants.

    I could go on, but really. How many examples do you need before you recognize a pattern?

    (And I refuse to provide evidence for how bad the Orioles are this year. Some things are just too painful.)

  7. As if on cue, Trump just made it perfectly clear that he is a racist:

    Trump tells women of color to leave America.

  8. Oh, and I failed to mention birtherism and the Central Park Five.


    The above article delves into the history of the origins of the Religious Right and the "Moral Majority". Well worth a read, even you only consider it as opposition research. :)

  10. (And I refuse to provide evidence for how bad the Orioles are this year. Some things are just too painful.)

    Sometimes the evidence speaks for itself.

  11. Was Trump an Exalted Cyclops?


    You should read up some time on the "real origins" of the Ku Klux Klan. You can start with the entire Wikipedia article I linked above.'s the Democrats.

  12. My parents were raised in central Texas and attended (and celebrated) more than one lynching. They were quite proud of their hanging tree and would show it off to us kids when we visited the old homestead. My parents were life long Democrats until LBJ pushed through the Civil Rights Act in 1964. So, I'm quite aware of the relationship of Southern Democrats and the KKK.

  13. Trump suggested to certain lunatic Democratic congresswomen to leave, the same four nutjobs that are giving even Pelosi fits. That's nothing like telling all "women of color" to leave. I myself would be happy if those four left Washington.

    If Trump is a racist, I would still vote for him over any Democratic candidate and over George W. Bush due to the latter's warmongering and destruction of thousands upon thousands of lives, and the former's policies, if not actual beliefs. Racism is basically a form of being a jerk, and some things are worse than being a jerk.

    Of course if Trump advocated policies specifically targeted at all members of a particular demographic based on them being that demographic, then that would be unacceptable. But everyone has negative views of at least one group somewhere, so as long as those views don't translate into action beyond the occasional "clean articulate black man" or "can't walk into a 7-11 without hearing an Indian accent" comment, then I have more important things to worry about.

    Of course Trump has other faults that are worse than racist views, so I wouldn't vote for him either in actuality.

  14. I myself would be happy if those four left Washington.

    There are conspiracy theories that they were actually put in place by Trump to keep Democrats from being elected next cycle.

  15. There are conspiracy theories that they were actually put in place by Trump to keep Democrats from being elected next cycle.

    I will say in defense of the nutjobs, they do not let political considerations get in the way of actually presenting what Democrats stand for, which is complete lunacy. Most Democrats have the savvy to at least attempt to appear moderate.

  16. "I will say in defense of the nutjobs, they do not let political considerations get in the way of actually presenting what Democrats stand for, which is complete lunacy. Most Democrats have the savvy to at least attempt to appear moderate."

    I find this comment interesting. It seems that the same people who praise Trump for "telling it like it is", for not bowing to political correctness, and say that he is just "mixing it up" (one of his spokespeople just described Trump's tweets as "hand grenades" meant to get things moving) will without the slightest shame condemn Democratic congresspersons for doing what to any objective observer is the exact same thing. To avoid being a hypocrite, one ought to criticize both equally, or keep silent.

    (I choose to criticize both.)

  17. I find this comment interesting.

    I don't know what you found interesting, but it wasn't anything in my comment.

    I very rarely praise Trump for anything beyond appointing conservative judges and not starting any wars. I certainly do not recall praising the BS he spouts as "telling it like it is", although as with any politician there will be things he says that I agree with. As someone who generally opposes political correctness, there may be statements along those lines I have agreed with. General praise of Trump's behavior? Hell no.

    My comment actually defended the congresswomen, for even recognizing them as nutjobs I still pointed out IN THEIR DEFENSE that they go straight to what they think and do not care for the political fallout, which I think they should all do. That was praise, and doubly not hypocrisy since I don't hold Trump to a lower standard. Trump lies too much to even know what he actually thinks.

    It's not "the same people" at all, at least when you are quoting what I said.

  18. I might also point out that of the two of us, I'm the only one who has criticized both on this blog. Food for thought? Perhaps not.

  19. Thanks for clarifying that, Legion. I actually wasn't thinking of you, but of the many people who do behave exactly as I described. Your comment was "interesting" because it got me to thinking about such behavior. If you believe the polls, about one third of Americans hold Trump and his critics to a double standard. According to this "base", if Trump does it, then it's admirable. If someone critical of the president does the very same thing, then it's inexcusable.

  20. Ah, well in that case consider my nuclear response to be ill-targeted.

  21. Holding one's allies to a different standard than one's enemies is pretty common don't you think? Not just in politics but in things like matters of the law.

    How else can we explain Jeffrey Epstein's "get out of jail free" card last time around?

  22. Trump's Theology is to religion as Trump's job performance is to the Presidency

    There is a link between Trump's political fascism and theological heresy coming out of his administration. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Fascism doesn't stop at the boarder between world and spirit. It will eventually usurp the place of spirit and this is what is probably meant about the mark of the beast. Follow the fascism course far enough you will crowd out all devotion to other authority even God.

  23. Groups like ACLU and civil rights groups refer to the Trump effect which is racist groups take Trump as moral support.

    southern poverty law center on Trump Effect

  24. Well we've finally reached the point where liberal religionists sound like Apocalyptic Fundamentalists. The Rapture is any day now.

  25. The term 'racist' gets thrown around so much that it doesn't move me anymore. It's mostly attributed to thoughts and words, not behavior. Apparently I'm a racist because I'm white and have thoughts that aren't politically correct. *shrug*

  26. Not quite, Steve. "Racist" is always a negative term. You can take race into account when dealing with people, or even just be aware of it, and in no way be a racist.

    Racism requires not just treating people differently, but also unfairly. In an analogous manner, my dealings with women are radically different than those I have with men, but that does not make me a sexist. That would require an added quality of unfairness, malevolence, or even perversion.

  27. Racism requires not just treating people differently, but also unfairly.

    This is true from a theoretical standpoint, but my experience is that Democrats and left-wing activists do not make the distinction you have here. Basically, if you disagree with them on a subject that touches on anything race-related, you're called a racist. Same with sexism.

    Now I'm sure not all these people actually believe it. Some are using it instead as a political bludgeon to either silence their opponents or stir up racial animosity. Whether they believe it or not, they are doing great harm to the country. It's one of the things I am most repulsed by from the left.

  28. D's and R's see fairness very differently, hence the reason the term is thrown around so often.

    - Is it fair to favor citizens over non-citizens? Yes, I'd say so but apparently you're a 'racist' if you think that way.

    - Is it fair to "lock the doors" into your country and only let in people you want? Sure, but again you'd be a 'racist' for even suggesting it.

    - Is it fair to give non-citizens more government assistance than struggling citizens are given? No, but only 'racists' see it that way.

    - Is it fair to help non-citizens avoid law enforcement? No, but I only say that because I'm a 'racist'.

  29. "Is it fair to help non-citizens avoid law enforcement? No, but I only say that because I'm a 'racist'."

    I've never personally been in a position to do so, but if I were called upon to aid a non-citizen to avoid arrest and/or deportation, I'm afraid I would have to consider it my Christian duty to do so.

    Was it fair for the Righteous Gentiles to hide Jews from the nazis during WWII? The Germans were, after all, only "enforcing the law". And the analogy between the two is getting closer and closer by the day, especially now that we've set up "detention centers" that might as well be called concentration camps (they're essentially indistinguishable from them) on our southern border.

  30. It's my Christian duty to see that they are deported. Unequal comparisons don't help your case. I can't tilt my head enough or squint my eyes enough to see the similarities.

  31. Hard to house that many people swarming your border at once.

  32. Hey. I have a crazy idea.

    Why don't we force our representatives to change the law to everyone's satisfaction?

    That way Starhopper won't have to be a criminal and SteveK will be happy that no one is breaking the law.

  33. But who am I to talk. I will be in the group invading Area 51!

  34. I'd sit on a nearby hill with a bucket of popcorn, a cooler full of Pepsi, and binoculars to watch the festivities if I didn't think I would be spotted and arrested or shot.

  35. If you run like Naruto they'll miss you I understand.

  36. Starhopper said...
    Racism requires not just treating people differently, but also unfairly. In an analogous manner, my dealings with women are radically different than those I have with men, but that does not make me a sexist. That would require an added quality of unfairness, malevolence, or even perversion.

    Different but equal? Shades of Plessey vs. Ferguson. If you treat woman radically different than you treat men, you are a sexist. It's not a question of fault or malevolence, it a matter of outcome. When you add in unfairness, malevolence, or perversion, you cross the line into bigotry.

    We were raised to be sexists, racists, orientationists, biological essentialists, ablists, etc., and we act that way often when we act without thinking. That doesn't make it useful or appropriate.

  37. SteveK said...
    - Is it fair to favor citizens over non-citizens? Yes, I'd say so but apparently you're a 'racist' if you think that way.

    The racism comes into play when you refer to them as bringing disease, being less worthy people than European immigrants, etc.

    - Is it fair to "lock the doors" into your country and only let in people you want? Sure, but again you'd be a 'racist' for even suggesting it.

    Is it fair to set laws establishing how to claim asylum, and then throw the people who follow those laws into unsanitary, over-crowded jails while separating families?

    - Is it fair to give non-citizens more government assistance than struggling citizens are given?

    Wow, such unbridled ignorance on display here.

  38. Legion of Logic said...
    Hard to house that many people swarming your border at once.

    We had more people crossing the border in the last 20th century and handled them just fine.

  39. Blogger bmiller said...
    Hey. I have a crazy idea.

    Why don't we force our representatives to change the law to everyone's satisfaction?

    That way Starhopper won't have to be a criminal and SteveK will be happy that no one is breaking the law.


  40. We're having a purely linguistic "argument" here. I think we're saying the same thing, but using different words to say it. In my books, terms such as racist, sexist, ageist, whatever-ist, are always negative. You can treat different people differently (as an individual, mind you - the state has no business making distinctions), but as long as you treat everyone fairly, there's no problem (an no negativity).

    And by the way, Heaven forbid we think of men and women as "equal". They're complementary. (I stole that idea from C.S. Lewis.)

  41. >> "The racism comes into play when you refer to them as bringing disease, being less worthy people than European immigrants, etc."

    Which nobody is saying about race. Certain people, yes, but not an entire race.

    >> "Is it fair to set laws establishing how to claim asylum, and then throw the people who follow those laws into unsanitary, over-crowded jails while separating families?"

    It's fair and equal. We throw citizens in over crowded unsanitary jails all the time. We separate the families of citizens all the time. It's the way the justice system works.

  42. The lawmakers make the laws that establish the process of what you can, and can't do, with asylum seekers. Life isn't fair and sometimes it's less fair than other times.

    Some would say it's unfair that people are detained at the airport. They follow the rules and are then told they must be searched and detained. Life is full of unfairness. Expect it.

  43. Recently from the president:

    “Our message is absolutely don’t send your children unaccompanied...that is our direct message to the families in Central America. Do not send your children to the borders. If they do make it, they’ll get sent back...” -

  44. It may or may not be "racist". Who cares? Such labeling is irrelevant when the action is demonstrably evil. That's the only label needed - pure, unadulterated evil. Satanic, reeking of sulphur and brimstone.

  45. Yeah, I know that sulphur and brimstone are the same thing. But they sound better together - like "first and foremost".

  46. Starhopper,

    Who cares?
    Your list included statements of the president as evidence of racism. Just asking if that statement was racist.

  47. "Hellfire and Brimstone" is the proper terminology. But you're being creative.

  48. This was me this morning.

    You think art was all 2-dimensional in 50 AD? Not so.

  49. bmiller said...
    Who thinks that's racist?

    Are we discussing implicitly or explicitly, and in intent or in effect? Is the context of previous statements about immigrants relevant to this consideration?

  50. This was me this morning.

    Nice bathrobe. Gotta get me one of those!

  51. I think this is a racist story.

    It implies that Cuba, Central American countries and Mexico are "inferior" (or one could use a more "presidential" adjective).

    This Cuban lady slammed Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala and finally Mexico:
    Bolaños said she hadn’t felt safe in any of the places she had journeyed through, including Juarez, a city of 1.3 million known for its violence, where nine people were slain Sunday.

    Cubans aren't the only ones racist against Mexico. People from Cameroon are apparently too:
    “They shoot anyone there; the military just kills,” she said.

    Am I wrong?

  52. Apparently Trump's tweets have caused rampant racism to explode among even Democrats.

    Democrat legislatures are being attacked in Publix.

  53. I saw that one of the DNC chair candidates said it was her job to tell white people when to shut up. It must be a bizarre world Democrats live in.

  54. Legion of Logic said...
    I saw that one of the DNC chair candidates said it was her job to tell white people when to shut up. It must be a bizarre world Democrats live in.

    You find the notion that, sometimes, white people need to listen, to be bizarre?

  55. bmiller said...
    Cubans aren't the only ones racist against Mexico. People from Cameroon are apparently too:
    “They shoot anyone there; the military just kills,” she said.

    Am I wrong?

    She was talking about the government of Cameroon.

    I would not be surprised if there was a lot of racism among immigrants. There's racism everywhere.

  56. She was talking about the government of Cameroon.

    You're right. So you're saying Cameroon is a s*hole country like the article?

  57. You find the notion that, sometimes, white people need to listen, to be bizarre?

    I find saying something about "white people" that would never be tolerated being said about anyone else, to be hypocritical, racist, and disgusting.
