Friday, March 22, 2019

Political idolatry

In general, I find political parties to be conglomerations of moral, nonmoral, and immoral concerns, producing some pretty accidental alliances. No Christian should be fully and completely comfortable with any political party. One can, I think support the party one think best embodies Christian principles at any particular time, but there are always going to be some things about your own party that make you cringe. If you think your own party is always completely right the opposing party completely wrong and evil, you are committing idolatry.


  1. If you think your own party is always completely right the opposing party completely wrong and evil, you are committing idolatry.


  2. Agreed. I myself am pretty much economically liberal and socially conservative, so in both parties I am the proverbial square peg in a round hole. I don't fit in either one.
