Sunday, March 03, 2019

Judge not

I'm not a pedophile, but who am I to judge those who are? Nothing, right?

We can, it seems to me, hold views that certain types of sexual conduct are wrong, just as we have the right to hold views that other kinds of behavior are wrong, without being guilty of "judging" in some negative sense.

Of course, it's the Bible that says we shouldn't judge. If the Bible isn't true, what's wrong with judging?


  1. Of course, it's the Bible that says we shouldn't judge. If the Bible isn't true, what's wrong with judging?

    Do you mean the act of judging in and of itself, or do you mean following up that action with others actions that help or hurt a person based on those judgments?

  2. If we are not to judge, we are handcuffed from confronting someone who is being judgmental. We are even limited from judging our own judgments.
