Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Anti-Christian Political Correctness

This kind of stuff is going to lose the Democrats a lot of supporters. Even the  LGBTQXYZ community does not benefit from intolerance toward people who disapprove of gay behavior. I don't need everyone's approval to be a Christian, and gay people shouldn't need everyone's approval to be gay, we surely don't need the government protecting gay people from disapproval.


  1. I don't need everyone's approval to be a Christian,

    Well you may need their approval if you want to be an *employed* Christian.

  2. Chill out, snowflakes.

    Working at a school with a hard-line anti-LGBTQ stance is supporting that stance. As another example, there a local college that makes instructors sign a pledge to only support Biblical literalism in their classes. While I do teach math on the side, I have not and will not apply there because of that stance.

    When a judge says their religious beliefs are more important to their jurisprudence than the Constitution, that's a problem, especially at the appellate level. It's not a religious test, it's a matter of doing the job correctly.

  3. While it may be cool to throw "snowflake" at anyone you disagree with, it helps to use it appropriately.

  4. By all means, tell me the appropriate use of "snowflake", and why it doesn't apply here.

  5. If there are "snowflakes" involved, they would be the leftists who "fear" the Christians for not agreeing with them. Those who can't tolerate a different point of view are often called snowflakes.

    No one on this thread, except perhaps you if you so choose, meets the criteria.

  6. Legion of Logic,

    Rereading the link, it's hard to interpret it's position as anything other than "fearing those who disagree with Christians", or at least those willing to express such disagreement. The shoe fits.

  7. Nope, it is instead asking why all these others fear Christian beliefs. Why Christian beliefs are increasingly being considered a negative for political candidates.

    It's not the Christian school refusing to play against the others. That would be the snowflakes refusing to play with people who dare to have other opinions.

  8. Legion of Logic said...
    Nope, it is instead asking why all these others fear Christian beliefs. Why Christian beliefs are increasingly being considered a negative for political candidates.

    That's a great example of what I mean. There's no negative attached to Christian beliefs, just to intolerant beliefs. But facing criticism seems to melt the difference between the two for some people.

    It's not the Christian school refusing to play against the others. That would be the snowflakes refusing to play with people who dare to have other opinions.

    They are refusing to play at the Christian school, not refusing to play the Christian opponent. Again, we have a melting.

  9. Yeah the sad thing is that "We" Christians feel it our calling/duty to defend the Lord on all points,1) We should be teaching each other to love homosexuals(all sinners) at all cost,from as many angles as probable without deviating from the truth taught in the gospel...2) we should speak and live wisdom,love and understanding first, then we should vote to help as many people from a socio-political-economic position, finally in peace love and privacy we should tell all homosexuals(sinners) we have a relationship with what the Bible declares concerning their actions,not vilify,crucify,damage nor disown anyone

  10. Yeah the sad thing is that "We" Christians feel it our calling/duty to defend the Lord on all points,1) We should be teaching each other to love homosexuals(all sinners) at all cost,from as many angles as probable without deviating from the truth taught in the gospel...2) we should speak and live wisdom,love and understanding first, then we should vote to help as many people from a socio-political-economic position, finally in peace love and privacy we should tell all homosexuals(sinners) we have a relationship with what the Bible declares concerning their actions,not vilify,crucify,damage nor disown anyone
