Thursday, December 06, 2018

A woman's right to choose-----prostitution?

A pro-choice slogan is that a woman has the right to do as she chooses with her own body. Does that mean that we shouldn't have laws against prostitution? If she wants to sell her body, doesn't she have the right to do as she chooses with it? 


  1. In areas with prostitution is regulated rather then outlawed, many of its problems are mollified. Is there a reason outlawing prostitution makes society better in some way?

  2. Obviously yes, womem should be allowed to prostitute themselves if they want to. The situation is so much worse when it's illegal given that many women end up forced into prostitution...

  3. Because if they aren't allowed to sell themselves willingly they will be forced to?

  4. Once again, impossible to tell whether you're being a smart-ass bmiller, or just a stupid-ass.

    In case there is genuine confusion... because prostitution is illegal, it is not controlled, monitored nor regulated in any way. Therefore, lots of women fall prey to organized crime circles where they are essentially forced to prostitute themselves and/or rendered dependent on drugs. Logically, this also implies that it's more likely that vulnerable minors and illegal immigrants will be prostitutes, even if it may be by choice in some case. On the other hand, when prostitution is legal, it becomes more visible and thus less dangerous for the sex workers themselves.

    That doesn't mean prostitution is a good thing obviously. Just like smoking crack or having an abortion every month isn't great. But these things are all part of what humans, unfortunately, end up doing. Making them completely illegal is the most naive and ineffective way possible to try to make things better for society as a whole.

  5. Prostitution is legal in parts of Nevada.

    Prostitution of adults is legal in 11 rural counties in Nevada. By creating false identification, outside pimps can use these brothels to traffic children.[7][8][9] Detective Greg Harvey, from Eugene, Oregon, said such cases were in reality very common; he said, "It's happening right now, it's amazing how many girls are shipped from here to different brothels in northern and southern Nevada. Many are underage." Another detective, Sgt. Pete Kerns, supported Harvey's claims: "Never buy the line that nobody under 18 works in (Nevada brothels)," he said. "It's happening."[9]

    I don't think very many young girls grow up with the dream of being a prostitute. But there sure are a lot of men that that want to encourage them.

  6. Exactly, that's the problem. There's more demand than supply. So if it's up to organized crime to fill that demand, what do you think happens?

    And you didn't state that you were just being a smartass in your previous comment, so thanks for indirectly confirming. That helps me understand.

  7. Hugo,

    Young girls and women are forced into prostitution legal or not. That was my point...that you failed to engage.

    A law has 2 purposes. The first is to establish what one should or should not do. The second is to establish a punishment for the wrongdoers.

    Regarding the first:
    Legalizing a thing increases it's demand (unless it's broccoli). Since some people would refrain from an activity if it was against the law, but would not if it was legal, then if that activity was made legal, those people would increase the existing number of customers (demand).

    Now of course if something that was being done by criminals was suddenly legalized, then of course by definition those former lawbreakers would no longer be "organized crime". They'd be respected members of the corporate community.

  8. "They'd be respected members of the corporate community."

    Exactly. Why is that bad? Just because you have issues with consenting adults wanting to exchange sex for money doesn't make it bad; it doesn't make them people who shouldn't be respected. That's what you don't get. There are people who want the jobs and the services offered.

    You also said:
    Young girls and women are forced into prostitution legal or not.

    Yes, I said that too. How is making it illegal better?

    "Legalizing a thing increases it's demand (unless it's broccoli)."

    Evidence? Who are these men who don't get prostitution today because it's illegal?

  9. Hugo,

    Would you approve of or encourage your mother into prostituting herself? Or any other female relative?

  10. What's wrong with you? Seriously...

  11. Hugo,

    The question was a serious one prompted by your remark:

    Just because you have issues with consenting adults wanting to exchange sex for money doesn't make it bad; it doesn't make them people who shouldn't be respected. That's what you don't get.

    It seems that you wouldn't approve of this behavior from your own female relatives, so why wouldn't you feel the same wrt other females? Aren't you implicitly objectifying those other women?

  12. Prostitution today seems so deeply involved in human trafficking that I would oppose legalizing it at this time. But I think prostitution enforcement should move away from picking up the girls for soliciting, putting them in jail for a brief time, and sending them on the street. In most cases I believe they are victims of pimps and traffickers, and they should be sent to rehabilitation to prepare them for life outside of prostitution.

  13. What then should be done to the pimps and traffickers?

  14. bmiller said...
    Now of course if something that was being done by criminals was suddenly legalized, then of course by definition those former lawbreakers would no longer be "organized crime". They'd be respected members of the corporate community.

    My understanding is that the skill sets for being a respected member of corporate community and for being a successful member of organized crime don't have a large amount of overlap. That's why you didn't see many former criminals start to work for state lotteries or own riverboat casinos.

    Would you approve of or encourage your mother into prostituting herself? Or any other female relative?

    You didn't ask me, but if my daughter felt that was the best way to accomplish a specific goal (put herself through medical school, for example), I would approve. I don't think it's a good long-term career, though. Of course, I would say the same about men and professional athletics. They also sell their bodies for entertainment.

  15. You didn't ask me, but if my daughter felt that was the best way to accomplish a specific goal (put herself through medical school, for example), I would approve.

    Pretty sure I would take on a second job and give all proceeds to her before I'd let my daughter prostitute herself.

    But then, that's just the type of father I am.

  16. Legion of Logic said...
    Pretty sure I would take on a second job and give all proceeds to her before I'd let my daughter prostitute herself.

    Already have a second job, thank you.

    But then, that's just the type of father I am.

    One who sees the decision to have sex for money as degrading to his daughter?

  17. One who sees the decision to have sex for money as degrading to his daughter?

    It shows how far our society has fallen that the father who would NOT support his daughter being at vastly increased risk for STDs, damaging her prospects for healthy relationships, etc etc etc is the one expected to defend himself.

    Somehow, I don't feel the need.

  18. Legion of Logic said...
    It shows how far our society has fallen that the father who would NOT support his daughter being at vastly increased risk for STDs, damaging her prospects for healthy relationships, etc etc etc is the one expected to defend himself.

    I agree you don't need to defend yourself. Your decision to choose which risks are appropriate for your daughter on her behalf is the best sort of patriarchy.
