Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Hillary Clinton's gun control proposals

Here is a link to the proposals Hillary Clinton made as a candidate. Bernie Sanders actually ran closer to the NRA than Hillary did. Many will disagree with some of these proposals, but notice that she never said she wanted to take everyone's gun away. 


  1. Is there a link? I'm not seeing it.

  2. It is politically unviable to flat-out state you want to take all guns away. Either Hillary or her advisors are too smart to let her say that even if she believed it, so her not saying it means nothing.

    We do know that she opposed the Heller decision that made firearm ownership for self-defense a legal right, we know that she thinks forcing people to render guns unusable in the home is "reasonable", and we know she wants people to be able to sue gun manufacturers if they are the victims of criminal misuse of the manufacturers' products.

    Hillary is awful on gun rights, but that's just a minor blip given all her other failings.

  3. Who is Hillary Clinton? Never heard of her.

    Is she that woman married to the guy who was fooling around with Monica Lewinsky (or was "that woman" Monica)? It's really hard to keep track of all the reprobates out there.

  4. It's funny, but if she weren't a Democratic politician, she would be revered as a saint for maintaining her marriage in the face of her husband's infidelity. There are whole Christian ministries which teach that you can, and should, do your best to maintain your marriage even if your spouse is unfaithful. But no, she's Crooked Hillary, so no brownie points for that.

  5. @Victor,

    There are whole Christian ministries which teach that you can, and should, do your best to maintain your marriage even if your spouse is unfaithful.

    I can see this type of thinking in Catholicism, but it's interesting to find it in Protestant denominations. Any links?

  6. It's funny, but if she weren't a Democratic politician, she would be revered as a saint for maintaining her marriage in the face of her husband's infidelity.

    I remember when Mitt Romney was widely viewed as having trounced Obama in their first presidential debate. The left was outraged that Romney had lied during the debate. The hilarious thing to me was that Obama, too, lied during the debate, but they didn't have any problem with that. Only Romney's lies mattered. That, of course, is called hypocrisy.

    I also remember a survey / study about people's acceptance of government mass surveillance. During the Bush years, a majority of Republican voters supported it and a majority of Democrat voters opposed it. During the Obama years, a majority of Democrats supported it and a majority of Republicans opposed it. Largely, the only thing that changed was the occupant of the White House. This, too, is called hypocrisy.

    Harry Reid, formerly the top Democrat in the Senate, lied about Romney paying no taxes, because he believed it would help Obama win. Hillary lies all the time. Obama is a proven liar ("I found out on the news!"). Pelosi is a proven liar. I suspect there aren't any blog posts on Dangerous Idea about Democrats lying, though. And, for balance, I know that on any given conservative-leaning blog equivalent to this one, the vast majority of negative focus will be on Democrats and progressives. I'm certainly no exception in my focus.

    Everyone tends to circle the wagons around those in their "tribe" and rationalizes away behavior that they excoriate others for. The same people that trashed Obama for his deficits don't seem to care about Trump's deficits. The same people that trashed Obama for his vacations don't seem to care about Trump's vacations. Personally, I think the world would be a better place if we spent less time nitpicking the faults of the other side, and started cleaning up our own houses.

    Hillary isn't some poor victim of special unfairness - she's typical of what we observe - an extremely flawed politician largely supported by her own side (except those who felt the Bern) and largely despised by the other side. And, she sucks on gun rights.


    I think this is a decent read.

  8. I think Hillary nowhere near either her husband or Obama as a political candidate, and her comment about "deplorables" was extremely stupid. She has gotten very defensive over so many years of political life, her e-mail scandal was something she never got over, and the Access Hollywood tape would have handed her the Presidency if her involvement in suppressing "bimbo eruptions" concerning her husband and made her symbolic of her party's failure to hold Bill accountable for sexual conduct that involved the abuse of power. Her numerous accomplishments are real, and she did win the popular vote, which does matter to me. And, I am inclined to think that Russia's involvement in our elections is ongoing, it is a threat to our democracy, we haven't gotten to the bottom of it and we need to, and had it not occurred, yes, Hillary would have won. But that does not detract from the fact that she lost an election to someone no one should lose to, and that avoiding a few simple mistakes would have made her President of the United States. If Biden had been running, evangelical voters would have run to him or at least skipped voting for President, and they didn't.

  9. "If Biden had been running, evangelical voters would have run to him or at least skipped voting for President, and they didn't."

    I don't disagree, but it's interesting that Biden is sort of played off as eccentric and lovable Uncle Joe, even though he has a history of being gropey, saying incredibly stupid things, and making racist comments. Never held against him, though.



    I could go on and on, but at best Biden has some issues with violating personal space.

    Now personally, with the exception of the teenage girl that was visibly flinching away from him as he was whispering in her ear and trying to kiss her, I would not necessarily claim that he was doing something that rises to the level of harassment. Not necessarily. But I also know how it would be portrayed if there was (R) after his name instead of (D).

  12. I don't know. A (D) politician of quite some influence, Al Franken, went under the bus for groping. And he was thrown there by Democrats.
