Sunday, June 03, 2018

A Christian case for abortion



  1. I always debate with myself if a pull-quote is fair for a long conversation. Couldn't help myself to consider quoting this one:

    "abortion is a normal part of women’s lives."

    I read the rest thinking this is what the pastor thinks is normal.

  2. At least she's not a dreaded hypocrite.

  3. That was painfully awful to read.

  4. This is one of the best and most decent articles you have posted on your site, Victor. I applaud your action in that it very much reflects a genuine gesture towards encouraging a broader societal debate over what is perhaps the most vexing single contemporary issue. The tradition out of which the prevailing evangelical /conservative perspective is by-and-large a product of endemic patriarchy and its subsequent correlate, deeply-embeded misogyny, that has shaped Christian thinking without so much as a thought for, or towards, what the other 50% of the population might think.

    So, congratulations.

  5. One thing I found surprising was how little of the book was explicitly Christian.

    I actually don’t care that much about salvation. That’s not my primary concern.

    So is this "progressive Christianity"? Christianity without Christ?

  6. I applaud this morning's Supreme Court decision in the case of the Colorado baker Jack Phillips. I never saw the state's position as anything other than an attempt to compel speech. Had Colorado won, then anyone could legally be forced, under threat of penalty if they refused, to say or write things they totally disagreed with.

    This is a good day for Freedom of Speech.

  7. Oh the misogyny of Christianity. So awful. On the other hand, if there is no God, everything is permitted. That includes racism, misogyny, slavery, homophobia, and believing in whatever we want to believe in without evidence.


    Might be worth looking into here.

  9. I like this story quite a lot, actually. I think there is a lot you can and should do to oppose abortion without restricting choice, which in America is difficult to do. Although I posted the essay on a Christian pro-abortion position, I find as a Christian, and even as a human being, the idea that abortions are good things to be reprehensible. Make no mistake about it, they are terrible things. Maybe in some cases they might be justified, but in the vast majority of cases I am convinced they are not justified. To any individual that might have gotten one, I won't necessarily say they did the wrong thing--that is a question best addressed on one's knees, or whatever equivalent you recognize. It is far easier to argue this than to argue that there is a good way of using governmental preventive force to stop them. '

    I remember one time, in college, I knew guy who loved to brag about getting laid. I asked him if he always made sure he was using birth control, and he told me he usually did, except when one girl told him not to worry, since if she got pregnant she would just get an abortion. (This was very shortly after Roe). This is the attitude that has to be opposed.
