Monday, April 23, 2018

The China Delusion

 It looks as if they have been reading Richard Dawkins in China. “It is an offense for any organizations or individuals to guide, support, permit and condone minors to believe in religions or participate in religious activities,” the letter said.

The l
etter said minors were at a critical stage of physical and mental development and had no independent thinking, so parents had an obligation to nurture children in accordance with national laws and social requirements.


HT: Bob Prokop


  1. This is good news for Christians. Christianity thrives best as an underground minority movement. It's a religion for the downtrodden and the outcast. There's a total paradox in the idea of Christians being powerful leaders of countries and wealthy magnates. Rejoice! This could be the start of the Christian revival you guys desperately need. China is the future indeed.

  2. What it shows is that the Chinese government is panicking. At the time the Communists took power in the 1940s, there were perhaps 4 million Catholics in mainland China. In 2012 (the latest year for which we have reliable figures) there were upwards of 12 million. That number has since that time exploded. The Chinese authorities have put every roadblock possible in the way of getting an accurate count, but it may be as high as 20 million today, with no end in sight to the upward curve. Even the Protestant missionaries estimate there will be approximately 100 million Catholics in China as early as 2050.

    The Pew forum put the number of generic Christians in China in 2010 at 67 million. Search the web and you'll find all sorts of wildly varying statistics (blame the Chinese authorities for this), but all are agreed that the overall number is increasing at breakneck pace.

    No wonder the Communists are not pleased with current trends. I do agree with John Moore here. These ham handed efforts will blow up in their faces, and only result in still more converts to the Faith.

  3. It's a totalitarian regime so it;s not surprising.

  4. ohn Moore said...
    This is good news for Christians. Christianity thrives best as an underground minority movement. It's a religion for the downtrodden and the outcast.

    Seems to excite you
