Thursday, August 10, 2017

Surely you're joking

Dear Dr. Craig
I am writing you because I am quite in desperation. The church in which I have been a member all of my life has turned into a politically correct hellhole. The transformation which took place in the last few years can only be described as through and through evil and anti-Christian. It’s really hard to give an adequate explanation about just how badly my church has gone the way down. After banning the cross from the church (“because it could offend Jews and Muslims”) the madmen we have as a pastor has decided now to read “Das Kapital” by Karl Marx and “Also sprach Zarathustra” by Friedrich Nietzsche in our church and has decided not to read the holy Bible again, because it is “a racist and misogynistic book”. The apostle Paul – shockingly enough - has been called a “Nazi” and “a woman hating bigot” by the pastor and our very forefathers are constantly attacked for the crusades and their supposed homophobia. The pastor has also started to curse the Lord (in ways which I am not going to repeat). I and some of my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ have stopped attending my church altogether and have chosen to boycott this monstrosity of a church and the deeply blasphemous movement that has taken over. We have politely tried to speak with the leaders of our church, but all negations and discussions have utterly failed. I cannot and will not tolerate such a perversion in my life as servant of Jesus Christ.
Dear Dr. Craig, I know you through your work and writings as a man of great faith and as a good, traditional Christian, who loves our Lord and Savior and who has thought wicked enemies of Christ numerous times. I was wondering, whether you have a suggestion, what I and my friends could do in this terrible plight. We just want to follow the classical teachings of our traditional Christianity. We are looking towards our American brothers and sisters, because they have something we have lost: a traditional form of Christianity that hasn’t been wiped out by the forces of aggressive political correctness (the great Biola University is truly a blessing by the Lord!). We have also heard from Brothers and Sisters from Canada and Germany, who have told us very similar stories about the downfall of their churches. What can we, what should we do?
Thank you for your answers
All the best,

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  1. Who knew what "Ichabod" meant?

  2. who knew that electing a black guy president woudl open up a bottomless pit of historical paranoia. I wonder if Craig made that letter up? I roving bands of Marxist pastors looking to inflect Nietzsche upon churchgoers is the least of our problems.

    This planet has ceased to make any kind of sense I just don't want to live here anymore,

  3. Joe Hinman said...

    " This planet has ceased to make any kind of sense I just don't want to live here anymore,"
    August 11, 2017 7:36 AM

    There has never been a time when this planet made more sense. We live at the pinnacle of human enlightenment right now.

  4. Replies
    1. On the contrary, if his Christianity is exactly like the one I grew up around, it's very real.

  5. I truly don't understand what Obama has to do with anything. The letter is from Switzerland, regarding Swiss churches. And on a related note, Craig then warns North American churches against allowing excessive political correctness to take hold and water down the message from the pulpit, as has already happened in various places.

    Biggest threat to the church? Nope. But then, it was the subject of the letter, it was worth a response, and it had nothing to do with Obama that I could discern.

    Joe, I think you would be better off if you were made aware that there was nowhere near as much racism as you (and the left in general) seems to think. Just look at the numbers. Here are the election results broken down by demographic percentages for the past 20 years.


    Men - Clinton 44, Dole 45
    Women - Clinton 55, Dole 38
    White - Clinton 44, Dole 46
    Black - Clinton 84, Dole 12
    Hispanic - Clinton 73, Dole 21


    Men - Gore 43, Bush 54
    Women - Gore 54, Bush 44
    White - Gore 42, Bush 55
    Black - Gore 90, Bush 9
    Hispanic - Gore 62, Bush 35


    Men - Kerry 44, Bush 55
    Women - Kerry 51, Bush 48
    White - Kerry 41, Bush 58
    Black - Kerry 88, Bush 11
    Hispanic - Kerry 53, Bush 44


    Men - Obama 49, McCain 48
    Women - Obama 56, McCain 43
    White - Obama 43, McCain 55
    Black - Obama 95, McCain 4
    Hispanic - Obama 67, McCain 31


    Men - Obama 45, Romney 52
    Women - Obama 55, Romney 44
    White - Obama 39, Romney 59
    Black - Obama 93, Romney 6
    Hispanic - Obama 71, Romney 27


    Men - Clinton 41, Trump 53
    Women - Clinton 54, Trump 42
    White - Clinton 37, Trump 58
    Black - Clinton 88, Trump 8
    Hispanic - Clinton 65, Trump 29

    There are two outliers, in 1996 Perot was a spoiler on some of the statistics, and in 2008 Obama almost swept the board since McCain was so hideous. But for the most part, no matter the candidates, we see the following:

    Men can be expected to vote over 50 percent Republican.
    Women can be expected to vote over 50 percent Democrat.
    Whites can be expected to vote over 50 percent Republican.
    Blacks can be expected to vote around 90 percent Democrat.
    Hispanics vote roughly 2:1 ratio in favor of Democrats.

    Racism against Obama? Fewer whites voted for the lily white Hillary Clinton, and similar numbers of whites voted for Kerry and Gore and Bill Clinton as they did for Obama in 2008. If Obama exposed any racism, it was among blacks if you look at the voting statistics.

    Sexism against Hillary Clinton? The percentages are virtually identical between Hillary and her male predecessors. No discernible sexism. No discernible racism if votes are a measure.

    I say all this, Joe, in the hopes that you will begin looking at the world - particularly those of different political persuasion - in a different light. Not one defined by the assumption of bigotry as a root cause of political differences with the left, but rather taken at face value - people vote based on their political values. I am surrounded by strongly conservative culture where I live, and I never heard anyone mention Obama's skin color or Hillary's sex. It was their policies they didn't like.

  6. I find the letter difficult to believe. I think Dr. Craig may have been had.

  7. I guess I'm missing what is making people think this letter is fake. I've heard similar things elsewhere.

  8. There has never been a time when this planet made more sense. We live at the pinnacle of human enlightenment right now.

    sure if you are content to be a mindless robot and worship science and have no concept deeper things,

  9. Joe, I think you would be better off if you were made aware that there was nowhere near as much racism as you (and the left in general) seems to think. Just look at the numbers. Here are the election results broken down by demographic percentages for the past 20 years.

    78% of evangelicals have sold their souls by vesting a satanic spawn with divine grace and declared hie a man of God, I did not say the majority are racist I said a bottomless pit,it is, it wont stop, they are still so pissed off about the the chaining of the mazes ways
    Oboma is iconic of that whole process of change that took that middle class group down to a lower SES and took white males out of the social throne,looking for scape goats to villify andthe commiunit fear is still there it;s familiar it takes then back to the old Mazwe ways,

  10. I say all this, Joe, in the hopes that you will begin looking at the world - particularly those of different political persuasion - in a different light. Not one defined by the assumption of bigotry as a root cause of political differences with the left, but rather taken at face value - people vote based on their political values. I am surrounded by strongly conservative culture where I live, and I never heard anyone mention Obama's skin color or Hillary's sex. It was their policies they didn't like

    you do not know anything about me or the way I look at the world you are not well read enough,

    proof: who invented the theory of the Maze ways and what does it sway? you re the bigot because you reduce all liberals to "the left" you think you know all about it. Have you read Marx?

    hae you wven read Marx?


  11. egion of Logic said...
    I guess I'm missing what is making people think this letter is fake. I've heard similar things elsewhere.

    (1) Marxism is over, it;s gone. I don't even think there are any major Marxist parties still decorum, maybe n Europe.

    (2) It makes the minister seem so extreme

    (3) thye guy wreiting has nevr dealt with other ikews before,,

  12. It's a joke. I think the only way you know it's a joke is by mixing it up in the world of jaded people.

    Could anyone get away with a similar parody/joke about progressive insanity? Google would fire the Daniel Defoe and then the left would have their 1984 two minutes of hate.

  13. I don't think Craig wrote that, but while some churches have gone waaay too far with political correctness, banning the Bible and the cross and reading Das Kapital from the pulpit? This is a parody, and Craig should have seen it for what it is.
