Monday, May 22, 2017

Does the Bible teach mutual submission of husband and wife?

Yes, according to Craig Keener.


  1. You can't submit to each other - that makes no sense. Somebody has to go through the door first, and the other person needs to go second. You'd look ridiculous arguing forever over who's going to yield to the other.

    It would make sense if wives submitted in some areas while husbands submitted in other areas. But that would need to be spelled out.

    The simplest thing is just to love each other. That way, each couple can work out the details for themselves.

  2. A man is the head of his wife, the bible clearly states. This sort of head is a position not only of authority but also of great responsibility, like the captain of a ship who puts the welfare of his crew above his own, a sort of benevolent dictatorship.

  3. Excellent article! Yes, John, you can most certainly have mutual submission.. as long as it's asymmetrical.

    Plants which produce seed bearing berries expect those berries to be eaten by birds, which then derive nourishment from them. But in doing so, the birds also spread the seeds of the plant hither and yon, which is why the plant produced the berries in the first place. So each entity, plant and bird, are doing the other's will, and receiving their respective benefits from so doing.

    It's analogous to the relationships between husband and wife.

    And by the way, it's yet another reason why so called same-sex "marriage" is an absurdity. There's no asymmetry, no complementarity.

  4. I agree with Mortal except with his praise for the article as "excellent." It is a poor analysis of Ephesians 5.

  5. I called it "excellent" because it made me think about that passage in Ephesians in a whole new light. I appreciate writing that can do that.

  6. The Bible does not teach women to obey or wives to be subject to husbands, it;s egalitarian,

    my pages I cover all the major passages

  7. A man is the head of his wife, the bible clearly states. This sort of head is a position not only of authority but also of great responsibility, like the captain of a ship who puts the welfare of his crew above his own, a sort of benevolent dictatorship.

    Head in Greek Kepahle does not mean boss or commander
