Friday, March 31, 2017


This is a description of Islamophobia. As I see it, terms like this have a proper use, but people who like to use such terms this develop them into a blanket criticism (and even marginalization) of any critics of Islam or Muslims.


  1. It's no different than any other label the progressive - sorry, regressive - left throws at people who disagree with them. Racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic, "transphobic"...all have definitions and criteria, but the vast majority of accusations of such are baseless and therefore the terms are all but useless.

  2. A "phobia" is a psychological/medical condition. By labeling all disagreement with their *politcs* "phobias", our leftists are doing their damnedest, within the current limits of their ability to direct State violence against those who oppose their politics, to walk in the footsteps of their fathers, Lenin and Stalin.

    You know, much like when B.Prokop tries to pretend that *his* (leftist) policy preferences have nothing to do with politics, but rather are just "common sense".

    ALL leftists are intellectually dishonest when the topic turns to political-and-moral questions, just as ALL 'atheists' are intellectually dishonest when the topic turns to religious-and-moral questions.

    Morality, religion, and politics are each but different ways of asking, and answering, questions of what we owe to God and what we owe to one another and what we may demand of one another.

  3. ... and the reason that ALL leftists and God-deniers are intellectually dishonest is because they are trying to set up an idol as God. To the extent that members of the two groups are distinct, for leftists, this idol is generally The State; for God-deniers, it is generally their own dicks.

  4. Legion of Logic said...
    It's no different than any other label the progressive - sorry, regressive - left throws at people who disagree with them. Racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic, "transphobic"...all have definitions and criteria, but the vast majority of accusations of such are baseless and therefore the terms are all but useless.

    Do you know Muslims? Do you believe any given Muslim is secretly supporting the terrorists?tell me this if it is fair to call the kind of Terrorists we are afraid of frm middle east"Islamic radicals then why is not fair to call KKK "Christian radicals" Or speak of "radical Christian terrorism"?

    Do you know how many lynchings of blacks for being black there were in the U.S.? Most of those people doing the lynching called themselves Christians and went to church.

    will you make exceptions by saying"but they have doctrinal problems and aren't really christian." That what Muslims say about the Terrorists,

  5. ... and the reason that ALL leftists and God-deniers are intellectually dishonest is because they are trying to set up an idol as God. To the extent that members of the two groups are distinct, for leftists, this idol is generally The State; for God-deniers, it is generally their own dicks.

    yea ny side boo the other guys,we are us whoray for us we are us, boo the other side, we hate them boo them.

  6. ".. and the reason that ALL leftists and God-deniers"

    Damn that God denying Billy Graham!He didn't support Goldwater when we needed him to! therefore, he;s an atheist and a God denier!

  7. "Do you know Muslims? Do you believe any given Muslim is secretly supporting the terrorists?tell me this if it is fair to call the kind of Terrorists we are afraid of frm middle east"Islamic radicals then why is not fair to call KKK "Christian radicals" Or speak of "radical Christian terrorism"?"

    I don't care if you call them Christian radicals. Doesn't impact me.

    Not all criticism of Islam is Islamophobia, but to hear it from the vocal left, you would sure think so.

  8. Not all criticism of Islam is Islamophobia, but to hear it from the vocal left, you would sure think so.

    That is hogwash. Show me any fair criticism of Islam being done now days?

  9. Joe,

    Are saying any criticism of Islam is hatred?

    If so, why are you so desperate to defend it?

  10. WE need to be careful not to talk past each other y tryng to attack stereotypes, Criticism of other faiths has to be understand a dedicate juncture and in great respect for other faiths.

    I did not say one cannot criticize Islam fairly but you have to have a clear idea of what a fair crisis would be. saying they have problems,.we have problem.

    They have a different faith,m they are not us they do things differently,they don't believe what we do,Those are all unfair criticisms.

    They treat women badly ,we treat women badly,

    they have honor killing they don't all believe in that,

    I am in an environment where I am dealing with Muslims a lot, they are telling me Isis is not Islam,Isis i false doctrine and they tell me why and they point to Koran passages.

    I know a woman from Africa who was forced to be a Muslim because she was captured in a war.She learned all about it and she is a Christian,she remained a Christian but she says Isis is false by the standards of Islam. She says the average Muslim abhors Isis based upon their religion.

  11. I'm wondering how we discovered all these current "phobias." I'm guessing it comes from a well educated and genuinely mentally disturbed class of people projecting their neurosis on the rest of us.

  12. ^ Call it "credentialed", rather than "educated"

  13. I have never seen idiot give a single reasoned or studied answer. His only response is to assert his opinion is absolute and his ideology must be obeyed and any departure from that is automatically sin.Apart from that he he never answers with argument neither from reasom nor evidence. He has the gal to talk about intellectual honesty when he never makes an intellectual argument. He has no intellectual anything. He doesn't know what integrity is because his whole concept of a lack of integrity is just "you cant toe the party lie that I do so you have no integrity."

    He is merely applying Bansen Presupper tactics to topological argument.


  14. The concept of God has evolved over time, this is not proof we aremakimng it up.

    Evolutinary Developmemt of The God Concept part 22

  15. Apparently, Islamic families are out-producing Christian ones, on a global scale (at least for now). As a Christian myself, ,I find these trends disheartening, but not demoralizing. Africa is now set to be overwhelmingly Christian (south of the Sahara), and China will rapidly overtake North America as far as the size of its Christian population.

    But the silver lining to these figures is that atheism is steadily declining as a percentage of the world's population, with no end to that decline in sight. So much for all the predictions one so often hears on the internet of atheism being the irresistible force of the future!
