Sunday, January 01, 2017

How scientism poisions everything

It is actually the half-truths of scientism that truly poison everything by offering in general and its followers in particular a fatal scientistic concoction of half-poison and half-water as though it were pure water. In other words, in the biblical world-view, the counter-claim is Anti-God Secularistic Scientists are not Great, How Scientism Poisons Everything.

-Dr. Ron Rickards, Eternal Harmony: Volume 1: the Unity of Truth in God


  1. Scientism (to our very great peril) tells us nothing about ourselves, as I explain over on my blog.

    This posting also has a bit to say on the subject, but in a more oblique way.

  2. I don't know what "everything" is. Scientism destroys knowledge, it even destroys scientific knowledge. It reduces all knowing to scientific questions and wont allow one to think about anything else. Nothing but science is worth knowing. Not only is that attitude anti scientific but even the ordinary pursuit of science is in danger from scientism.

    Scientism leads one to weigh the value of research in terms of what benefits the anti-religious scientism. The work done on mystical experience such as Hood's M scale would never have been done had it been up to people like Krauss because it threaten their biases about religion and subjectivity. They would have insisted upon their assumptions that religious experience is worthiness and that all such such experiences differ and had by crack pots.

  3. I've been simply stunned by how condescending atheists are ever since I became a Christian. I'd like to keep from overgeneralizing, but the brutal fact is that I've simply never met an atheist who isn't blatantly arrogant. Scientism is another way of claiming their own side to be one of intellectual superiority, so they can revile the religious. There's this clear impulse in these atheists to demonize anything (and oftentimes, anyone) religious, making it the source of all evil. But why? Perhaps this is because it's difficult to fully acknowledge the implications of atheism, and the meaning religion gives to life is seen as an insult--reducing religion, therefore, to something laughable makes it easier to dismiss it (and feed their arrogance). I'm sure there are many, many arrogant religious people as well--don't get me wrong--I just mean there seems to be a trend in the atheists I've met and it cries out for an explanation, tempting me to go psychoanalyzing things. Hopefully I'm not making another worthless caricature.

  4. " There's this clear impulse in these atheists to demonize anything (and oftentimes, anyone) religious, making it the source of all evil. "

    I mean, seriously, "How Religion Poisons Everything"....where does that magnitude of hatred for something come from--that Hitchens should attribute everything wrong with the world to religion until someone calls him out on being extreme.

  5. @Jo F,

    "I mean, seriously, "How Religion Poisons Everything"....where does that magnitude of hatred for something come from--that Hitchens should attribute everything wrong with the world to religion until someone calls him out on being extreme."

    Welcome to the world of Christianity. I think opposition to it was written somewhere wasn't it? :-).

    Good on you Jo. You have a good heart. Please do your best to exemplify the life you have now.

    Science and religion are obvious not incompatible since almost all scientists have historically been believers. I could go on, but just follow VR.

  6. this is my theoretical answer to Draper the evidential argument from evil

    Why God Allows Pain (theoretiocal)

  7. Jo said

    "I've been simply stunned by how condescending atheists are ever since I became a Christian."

    google my blog Atheist Watch go back a year or so.

  8. Atheist watch argued that new atheism is a hate group

  9. @ Joe
    "Atheist watch argued that new atheism is a hate group"

    For" New Atheism", I think there's definitely some subject matter there.

  10. I dop distinguish between kinds of atheists. There are brilliant honorable friendly atheists (see secular outpost--they have a few along with the others).
