Friday, December 23, 2016


Defined here. 

Could that be motivating some people? Naah.


  1. That's an interesting article. I have more times than I can count met with a sort of "finger on a hot stove" reaction when the subject of Jesus (not just generic "Christianity") comes up. It seems that some people are quite comfortable about discussing Buddha, Mohamed, Krishna, etc. until the cows come home, but mention "Jesus" and it's time for the smelling salts. Not sure whether it rises to a phobia, but there is a distinct discomfort palpably present.

    I can think of several possible explanations for this phenomenon:

    - subconscious realization that we're dealing with the One True God here - the One Who will hold us all accountable for our actions
    - the Devil is intervening to throw roadblocks in the way of a possible conversion
    - the knowledge that Buddha, etc, do not demand anything of us, whereas Jesus compels us to make a choice.

    For I can discuss Krishna until the sun grows cold without there being any consequences for my own life, whilst Jesus is forever asking me "Who do you say that I am?" and other similarly disquieting questions.

  2. Bob, Krishna and Buddha are not at the center of our ongoing culture war here in the US, so it stands to reason that they are far less likely to evoke an impassioned response from an an atheistic interlocutor.

  3. Walter,

    I can't debate your point about the rest of the world, since I have no data for other countries. Although I've lived a good 10 years of my life living in Europe (and another in Korea), I can only recall one conversation about Jesus with an atheist in all that time - and he was a Brit, which in itself might make him too close to cultural influences from the US to count.

    But even just talking about Americans, I don't think the proper adjective is impassioned. I think my "finger on a hot stove" is more accurately descriptive of the response. And you observe the reaction only when the actual name of Jesus is heard. Atheists can coolly debate "God" with no visible discomfort, but the unease is palpable when names are used.

  4. Signing off for the Christmas weekend, which I'll be spending with my daughters and grandchildren - and nowhere near a computer. I'll close with two verses from one of my favorite carols, In the Bleak Midwinter:

    Our God, Heaven cannot hold Him
    Nor earth sustain;
    Heaven and earth shall flee away
    When He comes to reign:
    In the bleak mid-winter
    A stable-place sufficed
    The Lord God Almighty,
    Jesus Christ.

    Enough for Him, whom cherubim
    Worship night and day,
    A breastful of milk,
    And a mangerful of hay;
    Enough for Him, whom angels
    Fall down before,
    The ox and ass and camel
    Which adore.

    It just doesn't get any more beautiful than that. Merry Christmas, all!

  5. the article you link too is missing the point, The point is cultural hegemony of Christian symbols, that's the real issue. Although there is truth in the idea that atheist have a chritophobia but that's not not all that's at work in the demand to take down crosses,
