Sunday, October 30, 2016

Religious moral motivation

Does religion provide only reward and punishment as moral motivation? Does it not also provide us with a sense that we are fulfilling an ultimate purpose by being moral, regardless of what is in it for us? A lot of people just assume that all there is to it is reward and punishment, but that seems just obviously mistaken. 


  1. Reward and punishment are often far from obvious.

  2. Kohlberg would tell us if you think its punishment-reward you are stuck in the middle of the hierarchy.the guy who said virtue is its own reward made it to the top.

  3. Reward and punishment has some value until people learn to rebel against punishment and find the rewards wanting. We are more than beasts.

  4. If the guy who said virtue is its own reward made it to the top, then it looks like making it to the top was his reward.

  5. I'm not sure if the religious reward and punishment is really all that much of a motivation for believers. It seems to me that the primary motivation comes from belonging to a group that has espoused certain norms for behavior and the basic human desire to fit in with the group. That those norms of behavior have attached to them supernatural rewards, treats and punishments is (imho) secondary.

  6. John Moore--If the guy who said virtue is its own reward made it to the top, then it looks like making it to the top was his reward.

    Making it to the top does not assure us of virtue, that is a separate thing.

  7. I'm not sure if the religious reward and punishment is really all that much of a motivation for believers. It seems to me that the primary motivation comes from belonging to a group that has espoused certain norms for behavior and the basic human desire to fit in with the group. That those norms of behavior have attached to them supernatural rewards, treats and punishments is (imho) secondary.

    Since half the members of that group in the Unities states are voting for Satan for president being a member of that group is no reward. it's a pain in in a place that rhymes with that candidates name.

    my motivation is the feeling and result i get from the experience I feel of God;s presence, that's what it all comes down to. If it wasn't for that clue to God's reality would,I would not lnoger be a Christian,I get no social reward from it,
