Monday, July 11, 2016

Are advocates of religious views more likely to use violence than nonreligious ones?

Religions are amongst the possible comprehensive views of the world. But there are nonreligious views that have comprehensive views of reality. Those who want to make sure others have the same comprehensive view as oneself might be inclined to use violence. But I don't see any reason to expect more violence from advocates of religious worldviews as opposed to nonreligoius ones.


  1. I don[t have any data on that. But i kdo that studies in psychology show that low esteem among religious people correlates to the kind of God image to which one holds. Oddly enough fundamentalists and atheists have the god images. I've always observed that the Dawklimns style atheist is like stuck in fundamentalist mode.

    I suspect violence is also a function of god image and that there;'s a correlation between violent nom Aurelius and violent religious inters of God image. There's a huge differenjce in the way Peggy Healy or Ida Ford or Arch Bishop Romero saw God and the way David Duke sees God.

  2. I have always seen a strong affinity between new atheism and Christian fundamentalism. I don't always like everything that Holding does, but I do like this one.

  3. JP is a friend, now in the CADRE. I dom't agree with everything he says but he's a good guy

  4. pretty funny. No 5, Jeff Loweder take note ;-)
