Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Are Christians to blame for the Orlando attacks?


Last I checked, the attacker was of a different religious persuasion.


  1. You can tell who someone actually hates when they go to assigning blame. We have a shooter (likely gay himself) who was a Muslim Democrat, and who is the left blaming? Conservative Christians and the NRA. No mention of Islam.

    So now we can assume that many members of the left hate conservative Christians more than they hate mass murdering Islamic terrorists.

  2. Post: "Are Christians to blame for the Orlando attacks?"


  3. Nobody blames Christians directly for this specific incident, but the point is that Christians demonize gay people, which leads some crazy individuals to believe they are justified in carrying out violence.

    Also, you should realize that from the atheist point of view, there's very little difference between Islam and Christianity.

  4. The question, though, is why so much time on the left is being spent talking about Christianity and almost none about Islam.

    I personally know atheists who smear Christianity in general every time a coach prays at a football game or a town puts a nativity scene on a courthouse yard, but when a Muslim kills multiple people, they quickly rush to point out that people are being "Islamophobic" if Islam in general is mentioned.

    For the life of me, I can think of no rational explanation for these types of behavior .

  5. "Also, you should realize that from the atheist point of view, there's very little difference between Islam and Christianity."

    That's rather like saying that from an anarchist point of view, there's very little difference between North Korea and Switzerland.

  6. There are numerous cases of anti-gay violence, but few of the attackers, in my lifetime, appeal to Christianity to justify their actions. At least in America.

  7. You guys are dealing with atheists, not anarchists. It would strengthen your message if you understood the atheist point of view.

    Sure it's fun to play the comparison game, but it's irrelevant to this discussion. B. Prokop is just trying to sound clever. What about actually being clever?

  8. John Moore said...

    "Nobody blames Christians directly for this specific incident, but the point is that Christians demonize gay people, which leads some crazy individuals to believe they are justified in carrying out violence."

    Bracketing the tendentious claim that Christians "demonize" gay people, the attacker was Muslim. Since when do Muslims take their cue from Christians? Islam has a deeply entrenched view of homosexuality that owes nothing to how modern-day Christians view gay rights and transgender rights.

  9. From an atheist point of view, the division isn't exactly Christian vs. Muslim. It is Muslims interested in Sharia law and Christian Reconstructionists vs. Christians or Muslims who don't think it appropriate to impose their religion governmentally. Even the so-called Religious Right, except for the Reconstuctionists, are going to allow freedom of religion, which is going to include freedom from religion. Only the Reconstructionists want to make the Bible the law book and replace the Constitution, and they are a lunatic fringe. But advocates of Sharia within Islam are numerous. Under Sharia, there is certainly zero freedom from religion and homosexuality is punishable by death.

    From an atheist perspective, Islam is far worse than Christianity in the sense that advocacy of Sharia is common amongst Muslims, while Christian Reconstructionism is rare amongst Christians.

  10. Agreed. The shooter had mental problems but to say that his beliefs did not have a role in this is just lame. To blame it on Christians is utterly stupid.

  11. John Moore: "Nobody blames Christians directly for this specific incident, but the point is ..."

    You're such a liar.

    John Moore: "... that Christians demonize gay people, ..."

    You're such a liar

  12. The New York Times can't figure out the shooters motive. Strange times we live in.

  13. Lyin' John Moore: "Nobody blames Christians directly for this specific incident, but the point is ..."

    The point is that you people are *always* liars -- that's one Chase Strangio, of the ACLU

  14. ...Christians demonize gay people...

    Do you think there's any space between a) affirming that homosexual acts are immoral and b) demonizing gay people? Or between a) thinking there's a homosexual agenda and disagreeing with it and b) demonizing gay people?

  15. Since John Moore disagrees with Christianity, and expresses this disagreement, does this mean that he demonizes Christians? So when violent acts are committed against Christians -- like the Family Research Council shooting -- can we say that John Moore's disagreement with Christianity is partially responsible?

  16. For the life of me, I can think of no rational explanation for these types of behavior.


  17. LoL: "For the life of me, I can think of no rational explanation for these types of behavior ."

    Don McIntosh: "Christophobia."

    Moslems will only kill you; Christians will tell you that you're a sinner who needs to reject his sinfulness before it kills you. -- When a person is someone who *will not* reject his sinfullness, it's not even close call as to which group he's going to fear/loathe/hate.

  18. We responded to these accusations here

