Saturday, September 20, 2014

The inventor of the Courtier's Reply Cancels his Dawkins Fan Club Membership



  1. Those whimpers you hear are the sounds of young Cultists of Gnu, crying in confusion, unsure what to do when their idols fight.

    But surely this divide will be solved quickly. Dawkins and Myers disagree on an important topic. Only that which can be decided by science is worth believing in so passionately, so the topic must be scientific. And science is objective, so Dawkins and Myers can simply perform some experiments on the topics they're debating, science will show the clear answer, and that will be that.

    That IS how it works, right? ;)

  2. And if that doesn't work, there's always burning at the stake.

  3. Squabbling is what atheists do. It's their defining characteristic. Some might be upset with Dawkins, but they're not upset about the internal squabbling. That's all part of the fun. If they're upset with Dawkins, it's because of his anti-woman chauvinism.

  4. I just read the article, and my immediate reaction is "This is a good thing." I've been waiting for quite some time now for atheists to criticize their own nutjobs as convincingly as mainline Christians condemn the self-styled WBC. If indeed they are finally waking up to the fact that Dawkins is an egotistical, narrow-minded, bullying for-profit peddler of fear and hatred rather than some humanistic version of Moses leading them to the Promised Land, I say hurrah!

  5. John Moore,

    "Some might be upset with Dawkins, but they're not upset about the internal squabbling. That's all part of the fun." ... Some people definitely are upset about the internal squabbling. They're the ones who think that it's wrong to point out Dawkins's and Harris's sexism. The feminists aren't being quiet and they are upset about the noise.

  6. If indeed they are finally waking up to the fact that Dawkins is an egotistical, narrow-minded, bullying for-profit peddler of fear and hatred rather than some humanistic version of Moses leading them to the Promised Land, I say hurrah!

    I think Dawkins being an egotistical, narrow-minded, bullying for-profit peddler of fear and hatred was A) always known and B) tolerated.

    But Dawkins is insufficiently subservient to the current progressive cause of the hour, and so retroactively the World's Greatest Evolutionary Biologist, voted Smartest Man, becomes a stupid hack non-scientist who never contributed anything worthwhile, save for being a pop sci writer, and there are better alternatives for that anyway.

    I watch with amusement as the Cult of Gnu produces yet another schism, but progress is illusory here. They'll dethrone Dawkins and replace him with.. I don't know, PZ Myers? Who, frankly, was always at best 'low-rent Dawkins'. Twice the insanity, with far less language skill.
