Monday, August 18, 2014

They don't call it the cult of gnu for nothing

It's the atheist equivalent of television evangelists. Tuck in your love gift, as they used to say on TBN.


  1. Oh, my! That is so funny. (I'm read this on my lunch break) I'm afraid my co-workers are going to start wondering why I'm laughing.

  2. I think it's unfair to compare Dawkins' prices with Cerullo's. Once Dawkins has a larger base of followers, I'm sure his prices will come down. ;-)

  3. Bilbo, supply and demand should be the operating principle here, not economies of scale. As he gets more popular the price should rise! :)

  4. How did he do it?

    Much to my chagrin, with all of my years of labor on the earth I haven’t been able to produce one single sycophant. I had Mrs. Duffy swooning for a couple of years, but she’s been on to me for last 25 years or so.

  5. Now that's what a proper charlatan looks like.

    I said for years that the Cultists of Gnu weren't just cultists - they are people who are being fleeced, every bit as much as Jim Bakker fleeced his flock. The only difference is that if Dawkins gets caught having an affair with his secretary, they can't hit him for hypocrisy. It'd be all too consistent with his principles.

  6. I heard that Richard Dawkins had a vision of a 90-foot Charles Darwin, who told him that evolution would take him home if he didn't raise 10 million dollars next year.

  7. What are the "cultists of Victor" called? Victorians? Victorious?

  8. Is im-skeptical hurting for traffic so much that he has to advertise here every single post he makes in his blog?

  9. Proverbs 26:11 (as Mr. Gilson alluded to in a previous thread)

  10. Is im-skeptical hurting for traffic so much that he has to advertise here every single post he makes in his blog?

    I think it's more of a passive-aggressive 'screw you guys *runs out the door with hands over his ears*' thing.

    On the other hand, maybe he has dreams of blog revenue? As we saw, the cost of meeting his idol ain't cheap. ;)

  11. Jee-zus ...

    "I think Feser has an attitude of his own." ... Well tu quoque, Mr Feser!

    "It is interesting to note that these groupings don't adequately express the real attitudes that atheists have." ... That's the problem with ideal-types. They just don't get specific enough.

    "This proclivity for hostility toward atheists is not merely a reaction to the advent of the 'new atheists' ... " Now he's going to pretend like he knows history. Neat!

    "Oh, come to think of it, there are still theocracies who execute people for the crime of not believing." Yup. They also kill Christians and Jews, and even their own women and children, so ...

    "In the United States, atheists are generally reviled." If you're in the United Staes, people will probably revile you because you're obnoxious. But please, continue playing the victim card.

  12. I assume this has nothing to do with Richard Stallman's Church of Emacs and the GNU operating system. Some people call Stallman's free software movement a cult.

  13. ^ At some point, some of the "new atheists" started calling themselves "gnu atheists", probably to hitch-hike on the trendiness of the free software movement.
