Tuesday, January 03, 2012

No more anonymous comments

Does anyone need to ask why?


  1. Probably smart, you have gained quite a troll following. Especially the one that is obsessed with accusing people of being Mormon. Bizzare.

  2. With that, my vacation is now over, and so will be my blog commenting, though I will likely follow up on anything I've already started, if I find it interesting.

  3. Dammit, Victor, don't you know the anonymice will have to go bother us at the Cadre now!?!?



  4. BDK: I think they're all the same person, switching from one bizarre pseudonym to another, such as has already appeared on this thread.

  5. Well, I was wondering if it would eventually come to this. I think it's completely understandable of course.

    I'd say it's odd that a guy as polite as yourself would gain attention from people with the sort of brain damage J and Kilo Papa the Frantic Vegan have, but I browse other sites - these guys show up more or less everywhere. Even on the freaking Duns Scotus blog.

    And no, Bob, I don't think these two are the same guys. Just took similar blows to the head from the people they called 'faggot mormon jew-boy' I'm guessing. That's not a safe habit away from a keyboard.

  6. Well it's a good thing I got that Google account back when Victor's blog was acting funny & I couldn't post.

  7. yeah some people just don't care for the jewish mob, even when they pretend to be xtians, mormons, papists, CS Lewis buffs, etc.

    bad joss, eh, satanists

    (babs day, porkchop-bellzali! even the Phx PD lookin forward to dat)

  8. "Does anyone need to ask why?"

    Going by the bilge that flooded my email inbox from the few recent posts of yours that I'd "subscribed to", I'd say not.

    But, you still may have problems from non-anonymous users ... well, probably from just one or two persons with a myriad of IDs.

  9. ... as, for example, this 'Perezoso', who is also 'J' ... and who is likely 'slightly angered Christian' and 'The whole truth' ... and who is probably also 'Leroy' and 'Rupert' and 'Where's'

  10. Another thing you might try, if you want to again allow the Anonymoi and Anonymice to comment on your blog, is to ruthlessly delete all comments of the sort; and not just delete the content of them, but even the indication that there ever was a comment posted. This might take a bit more work on your part, upfront, until your troll gets bored with spending so much time trying to annoy others to no effect.

    I mean, what can be more disheartening to a troll than not only not to annoy others but for those others not even to be aware that they're not being annoyed?

  11. IP address banning is effective. It means he has to put effort into bypassing. Energy he could be spending trolling.

  12. Unless things have changed recently, Blogger doesn't supply any tools to make banning individuals, by any method, easy.

    The nearest they come is to give the blog-owner the ability to make his blog "by iinvitation only" ... which rather defeats the whole point of blogging.

  13. Yeah the 1st Amendment does tend to bother the mafia and/or fundamentalists

  14. Ilion, an easier option is simply moderate comments. That's what I had to do at my chess blog, when it was at its activity peak.

  15. Wonderful!

    Switch to DISQUS and you'll love it.
