Monday, June 07, 2010

Did the Bush Administration Perform Unethical Experiments on Terror Detainees?

According to Physicians for Human Rights, yes.

Does the name Joseph Mengele ring a bell, so to speak?


  1. Hi,

    My name is Rev Robert Wright, Editor for, a social network made specifically for Christians, by Christians. We embarked on this endeavor to offer the entire Christian community an outlet to join together and better spread the good word of Christianity. has many great features like Christian TV, prayer requests, finding a church, receiving church updates and advice. We have emailed you to collaborate with you and your blog to help spread the good word of Christianity. I look forward to your response regarding this matter. Thanks!

    Rev. Robert Wright

  2. Is this the same Robert who's surprised a Pistons fan can count to 7?

  3. Anyway, Orwell's 1984 taught us that if we are afraid of an external enemy, then we are willing to give up our individual liberties and rights in order to allow the government to "protect" us from any putative enemy.

    As a 911 truther this all becomes more apparent to me as time goes on.

  4. Oi, 9/11 truther...facepalm.

  5. "facepalm"? Is that like, "talk to the hand"?

    Don't worry. I gave up trying to convince people of the "truth." The "truth" is too damn depressing. I know how Cassandra felt.

  6. That's why I try to watch a lot more sports than I used to, though there isn't much to like in Detroit sports. Go Celtics!

  7. @Bilbo: "Facepalm" is more like an eye-roll, but more than that--it's being absolutely and completely wrung out with exasperation.

    This is where the Internet meme got started:

  8. Not a lot of time to investigate, and by the time I *could* have done a thorough enough of a job this post will be long gone. =(

    Therefore, I will keep things simple and remember: This is POLITICS! All is fair in Love and War! is the saying, right??? But Christianity might be true, therefore, maybe Hate the sin, not the sinner, and maybe forgive 7 times 77 times, and maybe we should carry Bush's burden for him as his Brother in Christ and keep things out of court lest we be judged! Love thy.....

  9. Anon,

    So you felt the same way about Clinton, right?


    Is this the first time we've ever agreed on anything? LOL!

  10. In case anyone wants to investigate 9/11 truth, the best sites are: (their evidence page)

  11. Dr Logic:

    satan himself comes as angel of light, if Christianity is true [and if this implies that All Scripture is useful for teaching and instructions...and Scripture then equals the 66 books of the Bible], and so I must be on guard... But yes, I strive to be wise yet innocent as a dove. I guess it comes down to wearing some kind of armor in Daniel..."I came not to bring peace but the Sword (Truth)."

  12. I think Bush was a disaster as President, but I don't buy the "Truth" argument, which seems to be a Bush-administration-of-the-gaps argument.

    I have argued vigorously against such practices as waterboarding, but there are arguments of a consequentialist sort you can make on the other side. I don't endorse those arguments, but they exist. I think experimentation is worse, because you can't use the argument that there is some immanent threat to life and limb that the intel we get can prevent.

  13. I would agree with your argument against experimentation, but then it seems they could justify it by saying, "We were just trying to find out how far we could go in trying to get information without causing irreparable harm."

    "Bush-administration-of-the-gaps argument"? Thanks, I needed a good chuckle. ;-)

  14. The point is, in my mind, never again. We must never allow our fears of any enemy to drag us down to the level where we can behave in ways that are unworthy of the United States of America. This has to include, it seems to me, holding those who engaged in it accountable for what they did.
