Wednesday, September 02, 2009

The logic text on the ad hominem fallacy

•“We commit the ad hominem fallacy when we think that considerations about a person “refute” his or her assertions. Ad hominem is Latin for “to the man” indicating that it is not really the subject matter that is being addressed, but the person.

Moore and Parker, Critical Thinking, 8th edition, (McGraw-Hill, 2007) p. 174.


  1. Why would post anything that might tempt that Great Black Hole of the commentariat back into the fray? :)

  2. Hahahahaha . . . Oh my.

  3. I've used the Moore and Parker book when teaching critical thinking. I think it's an intelligent guide to the subject even though simplified when compared to other works like I. Copi.

  4. In football (soccer to Americans, I guess)-speak, it's playing the man instead of the ball.
