Saturday, May 16, 2009

Was Jesus' Resurrection an urban legend

By Jim Slagle. HT: Laura Warwick.


  1. ' First is that these weren't brief glimpses experienced by people who didn't personally know Jesus. They were groups of people who knew him intimately, and they spoke with and physically touched "whatever it was." '

    More made up things.

    No wonder sceptics are not convinced by Christian apologetics. It is valueless, utterly worthless attempts at braggadacio.

    Not one person in history has ever written a document claiming he physically touched a resurrected Jesus.

    The early Christian converts Paul was writing to scoffed at the very idea of their god choosing to raise corpses.

    These people had not been converted by stories of rising corpses because converts believe what converted them or pack in their new found beliefs.

  2. Steven, when will you ever learn?

  3. Stephen, have you ever read Josephus?

  4. "Not one person in history has ever written a document claiming he physically touched a resurrected Jesus."

    Suppose if Thomas did write a document claiming that he physically touched a resurrected Jesus. Would that satisfy you?

  5. It would certainly count as evidence.

    But Christians don't even have that.
