Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Churches need to respond to militant atheism

According to some Christian apologists.


  1. trying to parse that website. Noticed Harry Potter was somehow "anti-Christian"..

    enuf said.

  2. Again I agree with you Vic, but with a caveat. The Bible says we should be known by our love, but we mostly are better known for our lack of love. That may not be fair, but it is too often the case.

    Unless we know how to lovingly disagree with someone ("speak the truth in love"), our improved apologetic will be lost in the impression we give. Yes, we need to inform all christians of how we answer atheistic attacks, but we will better silence critics if we show extraordinary love and a willingness to be servants.

    There is so much in the church that many christians are ashamed of (pedophilia, over-the-top televangelists, hateful anti-gay activists, aggressive warmongers, etc) and that non-believers target, we need to get our house in order. If we do, then the militant atheists will have served God's purposes very well. If .....

  3. Kumbaya! and collective (selective) guilt; what a charming combination.

  4. [in case it's not clear, my comment wasn't about the linked page, which I haven't read yet]

  5. I'd worry that the response may turn off more people than it turns on or prevents from turning off.

  6. Who doubts there's too much fideism in the Church? And it's not even some well though out position for most who hold it.

    Let's also not forget that Jesus said he came to bring the sword, and that we're supposed to be wise a serpents.

  7. Gordon Knight: "trying to parse that website. Noticed Harry Potter was somehow "anti-Christian"..

    enuf said.

    John C. Wright: Dumbledore is Witty, Gay and Brave!As a wise man once said, "enuf said."

  8. At the same time, John C. Wright: A Retraction
