Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Bobby Fischer

A really depressing story, to be honest. I'm a chess child of the late 60s and early 70s. Perhaps someday America will produce a top chess talent who is mentally balanced. Perhaps hell will freeze over, or Dawkins will join the Catholic Church.


  1. Very sad story! It's hard not to draw comparisons with my favourite chess player, and the only other US player who could be compared with Fischer in stature - Paul Morphy. Both were child prodigies, both were a class above almost everyone they played, both retired from the game prematurely (Morphy after only a precious few years) and both showed signs of instability in later life. But there were also differences. Morphy came from a wealthy background, was a brilliant law student, and remained polite and restrained all his life. But he wanted to be known for his law rather than his chess, and it never happened. Sadly, he died relatively young.

  2. I’ve been reading you blog and I just wanted to let you know the 2009 U.S. Chess Championship is coming up! It is May 7-17 at the Chess Club and Scholastic Center in of St. Louis.

    The nation’s top 24 players will seek to steal take the title from last years year’s winner Yury Shulman–including the top 12 American players by rating, the 2008 U.S. Junior Closed Champion, the 2008 U.S. Open Champion and the 2009 U.S. State Champion of Champions. Not to mention, over $200,000 in prizes are on the table!

    Anyway, here is a link to the media kit: And Also, here is a link to the Chess Club and Scholastic Center of St. Louis website:, where you can RSVP for the free tickets. This website will also provide daily coverage! And both have player bios, chess facts, tournament history, etc.

    Just figured you and your blog readers would love to know about all this as fellow chess buffs!

    Let me know if you can help get the word out! Thanks!

  3. 2017 U.S. Chess Champion Wesley So is an evangelical Christian who is mentally balanced. Praise the Lord!
