Sunday, February 15, 2009

The other title I had in mind for my book

Was "If the Watchmaker were Really Blind, Dawkins Wouldn't Know It."

I think I chose the right title.


  1. When is your next book coming out?

  2. I've been mostly doing articles and book chapters. I have the most extensive treatment of the AFR ever coming out in the Blackwell Companion to Natural Theology.

  3. Very cool, Vic... My brother's about to graduate seminary; I'll try to coax him to plunk down the $$ for the latest version of Blackwell so I can read your latest refinements to the AFR. (I don't think I'd be allowed to spend ~200 bucks on a book right now!) About when is your input scheduled to be included?

  4. I wish the companion guide wouldn't be that expensive
