Sunday, November 09, 2008

Some background on Christian socialism


  1. I recall having on my shelf a book by Hewlett Johnson, the Dean of Canterbury, called "The Socialist Sixth of the World" (1946), which contains a rather starry-eyed description of the Soviet Union. Rather typical for the fellow-traveler literature of that time.

    There are of course much more imposing and independent-minded figures on the Christian radical left of that time (the Dutch poet Henriette Roland-Holst for one).

  2. It is time for Christians to evaluate their identification with the Republican Party. Neither party accurately reflects Christian values. It is not wrong for Christians to participate in politics, but it is wrong for them to seek to change the world through politics instead of the gospel. If this article correctly reflects the position of Gregoray A. Boyd, his is message worthy of a revival on this issue:
