Saturday, October 04, 2008

And the winner of Thursday's debate between Joe Biden and Sarah Palin is...

Tina Fey. You betcha!


  1. Actually, Governor Palin did very well for herself.

    Joe Biden merely did well for Obama.

    But I have not yet heard anyone from any side express any concern about the most dangerous possibility if Governor Palin is elected to national office.

  2. I think Sarah Palin did much better than expected. Still, she actually didn't have too much substance (remember that *pause* "'re waving a white flag!"). Biden came off as a well qualified individual with much knowledge of foreign policy.

    In short: Biden won.

  3. Gosh, I could've fielded the questions Palin and Biden fumbled. I wasn't impressed with either candidate. Philosophers rule!

    Plantinga/Craig 2008

    Reppert/Vallicella would work also.

  4. Getting Bill and me into the same party might be a little difficult.

  5. LOL...I read normajean's comment and thought ... "Uhh..Reppert/Vallicella is probably not gonna happen," and then glanced down at Victor's comment.

    Here's some fact check stuff on the debate:

    What I want to know is whether Biden had gainsayed Obama's views on the war before joining his campaign. They both seemed so confident on it.

  6. What happened to John Depoe's blog?
