Tuesday, April 15, 2008

An interview with Paul Copan on the New Atheism


  1. I would also strongly recommend reading Copan's article "Is Yahweh a Moral Monster? The New Atheists and Old Testament Morality." The interview is very sketchy, and it really should serve as a motivation to read Copan's full article.

  2. I submitted the link to contact@richarddawkins.net to see if they were brave enough to link to Paul Copan's article.

    They were not.

    Perhaps people can email them and ask them why they are scared of letting their readers see a real theologian at work.

  3. Dawkins is the guy who declined to debate William Lane Craig, claiming never to have heard of him. "It would look good on your resume but not on mine."

  4. I guess what's scary is the thought that this is an effective reply to the problems raised in the OT.

  5. Or rather: that some *believe* it's an effective reply.

  6. "Despite the objections by Moses' siblings, Yahweh resoundingly approves of Moses' marriage to a black woman, highlighting his approval by turning Miriam's skin white!" ("Is Yahweh a Moral Monster? The New Atheists and Old Testament Morality." page 2)

    As if the honorary white status of visitors to apartheid South Africa was a sign that the apartheid regime approved of black people!

  7. Gouy is quite wrong. The marriage was to a Cushite woman, who would obviously have been an idolator.

    But the marriage was approved of by God, showing that the later disapproval by people like Ezra of marriage outside Judaism was unfounded.
