Thursday, March 27, 2008

I just became an abolitionist!

Now why would I need to do a thing like that? Because just as torture didn't end with the Spanish Inquisition, slavery didn't end with the Emancipation Proclamation, even in America, sad to say. I'm afraid that a lot of what you buy in the store was made by slaves. Where's Frederick Douglass now that we need him?


  1. I found this comment from an Atheist online and thought it was interesting. What do DI readers think?

    "Let’s imagine that in 100 years, cancer is always curable. In that time, God no longer cures cancer, science does. Did God ever cure cancer?"

  2. I found this comment from an Atheist online and thought it was interesting. What do DI readers think?

    "Let’s imagine that in 100 years, cancer is always curable. In that time, God no longer cures cancer, science does. Did God ever cure cancer?"

  3. "Let’s imagine that in 100 years, cancer is always curable. In that time, God no longer cures cancer, science does. Did God ever cure cancer?"

    That's a hopelessly stupid distinction. If God exists, he can certainly use doctors and medicine as a means to cure someone of cancer. He need not be limited to the miraculous.

  4. Travis wrote: "If God exists, he can certainly use doctors and medicine as a means to cure someone of cancer. He need not be limited to the miraculous."

    Travis, I agree. But can you see that the need for God disappears in a world where science seems to do the miraculous?

  5. What does this discussion have to do with modern-day slavery?

  6. Matt, nothing. No ones commenting and DI contributors tend to have brains, so I thought I'd use the space to generate talk. Is that ok with you? Thanks, pal!

  7. I actually have a blog article devoted to this very question.
