Saturday, June 14, 2008

A New IVP book on Lewis and philosophy

Includes my essay "Defending the Dangerous Idea," based on my anti-Carrier presentation from OxBridge 2005.

This is now out and looks really good.


  1. Bilbo here, again. Have any philosophers ever addressed Lewis's attempt to solve the problem of both God and the Moral Law having absolute primacy, which can be found in his essay, "The Poison of Subjectivism," in Christian Reflections ? If they have, any chance it would be included in this book?

  2. Bilbo. The answers are yes, and no. Yes, Steve Lovell has covered this exact subject. A version of the paper appears online and has been linked to here. I am redating the "We hold these truths" post. Euthyphro comes up a lot, and I keep referring people back to the Lovell paper.

  3. But it does not appear in the volume.

  4. Thanks, Victor -- Bilbo.

  5. I must admit frustration that even though the Euthyphro problem is used as a response to the Argument from Morality, and even though Lewis attempted to answer it, Lovell's paper wouldn't be included in a book about Lewis that covers topics such as beauty, truth, and goodness.--Bilbo

  6. Yeah, I should have prevailed on the editors to include something of Steve's. Steve and I were working on putting an anthology together ourselves, but it never panned out. There's a lot of good Lewis-related philosophy that is kind of buried in old journals. A good example would be Talbott's "C. S. Lewis and the Problem of Evil" from Christian Scholar's Review in 1987.

    This volume was based primarily on papers that were presented at the Philosophy seminar at the OxBridge conference in 2005.
