Wednesday, October 10, 2007

An atheist convention seeks the end of religion

Harris, Dawkins and Hitchens were at this one.


  1. Well, every Sunday (more-or-less) I go to a Christian convention seeking the end of atheism. So... {shrug} {s}


  2. If there is a concern here it about the fruits of intolerance that grow on atheist and theist trees and those who cultivate them.

  3. Dang, they get t-shirts. I want a t-shirt.

  4. Some of the convention-goers were disappointed because Sam Harris basically admitted that religious believers are in fact human beings and that there are grades of extremism. That just goes to show that there are atheist fanatics as well as Christians or Muslims.

  5. I don't see how religion can survive once atheists get T-shirts.

  6. An atheist convention seeks the end of religion

    Keep trying, boys. So long as you don't resort to Stalinist tactics.

  7. There's nothing to worry about from militant atheism.

    Sure, militantly atheist regimes have enslaved, tortured, imprisoned and slaughtered scores of millions of people in the last 90 years. But what's that compared to being wrong about the age of the Earth?

  8. Be warned.

    Some atheists are now writing books, and apparently are considering deploying the leaflet - something banned under the Geneva convention.

    Can't Bush just send them to Guantanomo?
