Tuesday, August 07, 2007

More on abusing theists

After having criticized "the new atheism" I must indicate further that I am dismayed by the statements by philosophers quoted in the Triablogue post--specifically the comments of Sinnott-Armstrong and David Lewis. Comparing atheists to Nazis? Philosophers should know better, or should they?

Is there some dialogue within the atheist community on this sort of thing?


  1. I bet. {wry s}

    Personally I prefer to give atheists credit on things, so far as I can. Which is why I like to quip that I'm a Christian because I believe in atheists. {g}

    (Also, this generates some of the most amusing material; such as when I go to the trouble of titling a post 'X is not Socratic Cole Slaw', and then he proceeds for the next few weeks to treat me in high umbridge as though I had said he _was_ a Socratic cabbage. Clearly he was expecting me to have called him a Nazi or something like that instead...)


  2. I meant to say, of course, comparing Christians to Nazis. Thanks, Steve Hays.
