Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Slow learner

After all this time as a blogger, I've finally figured out how to put together a blogroll. It's short right now, so if you blog isn't on yet, be patient.


  1. The net is a fickle world Victor. Be proud you've made it as far as you have!

    Just stumbled across your blog this morning. Looks like a fascinating place! Just added you to my blogroll. I'll be sure to check in often!

  2. Vic, DC links to Christian sites in the interest of a fair treatment of the ideas, but I don't find many Christian sites that link to sites that oppose them. Isn't that odd?

    I was helped in that I had team members who knew what they were doing.

  3. John,
    To be fair, you also don't often find many atheist sites linking to Christian sites. I find that reality less odd, than "only natural". People like to prop up their own ideas, so what could be more natural than surrounding themselves with likemindedness? Glad to see you buck that trend. ;-)

  4. Most people who link to sites with opposing viewpoints nowadays do it just so they can say they are fair--and it takes a lot more than that.

  5. Glad you have a blogroll up now! Congratulations. I always wondered why you didn't have one. Wanted to see who you read - now I know.

    On the topic of atheists not linking to theist sites (and vice versa), I ran into Victor's site through an atheists' blog. I, as a theist, link to several atheistic blogs. There is some fairness in the world...
