Saturday, February 03, 2007

Does Richard Dawkins Exist?

Gosh. I'm not so sure.


  1. Intellectual laziness, surely. The fatal flaw lies on the insistence that all skepticism is "hyper-skepticism."

  2. Do you really endorse this kind of crap? I'm beginning to lose respect for your intellect.

  3. This is satire, not argument, at least to my mind.

  4. Christians do respond to atheistic argument with ridicule and condescenscion, rather than argument, so Victor is right to link to examples.

  5. Drew,

    But when does skepticism become hyper-skepticism?

    I think the point they're trying to make is that the sort of method Dawkins employs is in fact a form of hyper-skepticism.

  6. Christians do respond to atheistic argument with ridicule and condescenscion, rather than argument, so Victor is right to link to examples.

    VR: Oh please. I have linked to several serious critiques of that book on this site. The piece implies a type of argument, and we do need a distinction between skepticism and hyper-skepticism. I have yet to see one.

  7. That was hilarious, and just as funny is watching what a bunch of defensive, prudish killjoys some people can become when their guy is parodied. The irony of someone whining about "ridicule and condescenscion" in the context of a satire of Richard "ridicule and condescenscention" Dawkins is just delicious. Two shows for the price of one, and that one was free!

  8. Drew: "Intellectual laziness, surely."

    Cuz u said so, and whatever you say is true. You are the one being lazy-minded making baseless hit and runs.

    Drew: "The fatal flaw lies on the insistence that all skepticism is "hyper-skepticism."

    What insistence? Deluded much you pretender?

    Furthermore, why be skeptical? Why not simply believe what is evident? Bias is not scientific, and skepticism for the fun of it or out of hatred is bias against logic.

    es: "Do you really endorse this kind of crap? I'm beginning to lose respect for your intellect."

    What crap? The kind you made up and didn't provide evidence for? I never did respect that kind of intellect pretender.

    Anonymous: "Christians do respond to atheistic argument with ridicule and condescenscion,"

    All Christians you blind stereotyping hypocrite? Contentious hypocrites like you pick on the spelling errors like you made above as if they are more important then truth you hypocrite. Hypocrites like you have raped, stolen from tortured and murdered and ridiculed as you did what that statement, hypocrite, over 100 million people, including Christians. People like you stalk and harass Christians for not agreeing to whatever you want them to, as if you are God. See my blog hypocrite and see

    That's your nasty vile kind. So vile they boast that they are Vile Temptresses and pretend the term means something good.

    Atheistic arguments should be ridiculed because they are ridiculous and insult God who made your unthankful selves.

    "rather than argument,"

    Cuz u said so! Look up the word argument misspeller. Hint, it doesn't mean: whatever you argue it means.

    "so Victor is right to link to examples."

    Whatever that meant.

    If you don't like this universe, make your own or leave.

  9. Atheists deny God exists and boost they claim by making up invisible imaginary animal gods of their own. No doubt many fell for the lies of The Catholic evolutionist Mr. Miller

    just as national geographic was duped by that fake bird fossil who acts like it never happened.

  10. Yes. Your post was funny (for me).
    But just be careful with jokes. :)

    "Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone."

