Friday, October 27, 2006

Why even conservatives need a Democratic victory in Congress this year

The Republican majority in congress has to go. (The fact that Republicans exploit my religion for their own political ends does not endear me to them. Quite the reverse). I don't even think it's a liberal versus conservative issue anymore. I think it's a question of what happens when one group of people gets too much power and there is no oversight. If you really think that the government that governs least governs best, then, paradoxically, you want Democrats to win the 2006 congressional election.


  1. It's hard to disagree with you here. Thanks for saying what needs to be said.

  2. I'm not a big fan of the Republicans anymore. They are definitely guilty of big government... but so are Liberal Democrats! Bush has surely screwed up big government and made it even bigger. However, the Democrats are just as guilty as the Republicans when it comes to using one's religion. I see the Republicans as the lesser of two evils.

  3. But honestly, Mr. Reppert. Would you rather have Nancy Pelosi (a committed "San Francisco" type of Leftist) as the speaker?!

  4. If I were strongly against abortion I'd probably think it was worth keeping the Christian right in office (and make no mistake-Bush is the Christian right. That is the only explanation for his stance on stem cell research...maybe he should have had soldiers harvest ovaries and sperm from all the Iraqi civilians we killed).

    I was raised in a strong secular Repuplican tradition, and my family has been like this for a few generations (fiscally conservative and socially fairly liberal: small government all around--stay out of my wallet, my bedroom, my religion, my womb, etc). It is very sad to me that, since I was a little kid in the 1970s, what was an insane wing of the party (the evangelical offense) has gained so much power. It is no longer the same party I grew up with, which makes me sad. I am now a registered independent but think I will not vote for a Republican for many years. Unless Bill Weld or Arnold runs. They are good Republicans.

  5. Update on Jim Lazarus' blog:

  6. The problem is that with a Democratic congress and a Republican in the White House, we won't get anything like socialized medicine passed, but we also won't get the recent detainee act passed either. If you think that the government that governs least governs best, then gridlock, not Republican domination, is the way to get it.

  7. I'm not a big fan of the Republicans anymore. They are definitely guilty of big government... but so are Liberal Democrats! Bush has surely screwed up big government and made it even bigger.

    click HERE to see just exactly how big the Republicans have made your government.

    You'll be paying for it for the next 100 years if you don't first go bankrupt!

    No "tax & spend" Democrat was ever this bad.
