Saturday, October 07, 2006

Gert Korthof reviews Francis Collins

An interesting review of Francis Collins and a critique of Collins' Lewis-style moral argument. The witch-burning stuff is interesting. Lewis had argued that we don't believe that there are witches, but if we did think there were witches, and could prove who they were, they would have to be regarded as the worst of criminals, deserving the worst punishment that state could dish out. If we mean by "witches" not practicioners of some nature religion, but rather persons who used powers derived from Satan to do harm to others, I would have to agree. Of course we no longer practice methods of execution that inflict as much pain as burning, and I believe Lewis would agree that that is an improvement, but his and (I take it) Collins's point stands--that witches in the sense above defined would have to be treated as the worst criminals, assuming we had real ones on our hands and knew it.

1 comment:

  1. It would be a very short trial.

    Prosecuting Counsel 'I put it to you that you do sorcery.'

    Defense 'Objection. m'Lud. For all we know my client's sorcery could lead to a greater good'.

    Judge 'Agreed. Who are we to judge whether such evils are gratuitious? Case dismissed.'
