Wednesday, April 26, 2006

The Handy Dandy Evolution Refuter

Here it is online. The Handy Dandy Evolution Refuter. At least he didn't call it Evil-ution. With Christians like these.....


  1. And what, exactly, is wrong with Christians like these?

  2. They're ignorant.

  3. agreed. if christians dont agree with something, they immediately shut down and are unavailable to consider different opinions. also, the failure to understand that they are whatever faith, simply because of where they were born or who raised them. if americans were born in the middle east, im sure they would believe that allah is the true god, and the bible is just a story; which it is. what kind of god would allow infant murderers or rapists into heaven anyways? are christians really ok with their murdered family members chilling up in heaven with their murderers????????????? explain that one to me, please!
