Saturday, April 26, 2008

Some political fun

Even good Republicans should get a laugh out of this one.


  1. I'm registered as a Republican ... mostly because the Democratic Party is what it is ... though I'd prefer to think of myself as "independent" were it that the US had two decent parties (*).

    I did NOT find that amusing. I thought it a deliberate lie -- both about Christ, and about Bush.

    PLEASE, tell me where Christ told Christians to "give" of others' time, money, and effort to "the less fortunate?"

    Please, tell me where Christ commanded his people to commit armed robbery of one's fellow citizens to satisfy some peculiar need to think highly of oneself as a "concerned" person?

    (*) HOW do you stomach voting for Democrats as they are these days?

  2. I think you took it a bit too seriously. Christ did, however, think that people had an obligation to pay taxes to a foreign ruler by the name of Caesar.

    Your comments lead logically, I think, to libertarianism. Bush, by contrast, cuts taxes and then borrows from the People's Republic of China. I live in Phoenix, the home of Barry Goldwater. I don't recognize Goldwater's principled conservatism in the Republican party today.

    The "armed robbery" charge could just as easily have been lodged against FDR and the New Deal. History seems to show that such things as Social Security and Medicare have worked out well.

  3. Victor Reppert: "I think you took it a bit too seriously."

    Too seriously! It misrepresents Christ (which may not be an intentional lie, but rather an expression of a commonplace misunderstanding about him ... which still doesn't excuse it), and it lies about Bush and Republicans in general.

    Victor Reppert: "Christ did, however, think that people had an obligation to pay taxes to a foreign ruler by the name of Caesar."

    That's not what I asked.

    Victor Reppert: "Your comments lead logically, I think, to libertarianism. Bush, by contrast, cuts taxes and then borrows from the People's Republic of China."

    And? (Money, like oil, is fungible; it really makes no difference where the money is borrowed from) Let's cut taxes ... and expenses ... some more.

    Victor Reppert: "I live in Phoenix, the home of Barry Goldwater. I don't recognize Goldwater's principled conservatism in the Republican party today."

    I'm sure people who do think of themselves as Republicans are gratified (I'm rolling my eyes) when Democrats pat ol' Goldwater on the head. Now.

    But, if you want to play like that ... I don't recognize "Scoop" Jackson's principled "liberalism" in today's Democratic Party.

    Which is more disturbing ... and dangerous? I mean really, honestly dangerous, not partisan hack talking points.

    Victor Reppert: "The "armed robbery" charge could just as easily have been lodged against FDR and the New Deal. History seems to show that such things as Social Security and Medicare have worked out well."

    Do you imagine I have any fond feelings for FDR or his disastrous New Deal? Do you imagine I don't understand Social Security to be a Ponzi scheme ... AND an unconstitutional intrusion of the federal government into our lives?

    Victor Reppert: "History seems to show that such things as Social Security and Medicare have worked out well."

    Which universe are you living in?

  4. Victor Reppert: "Your comments lead logically, I think, to libertarianism."

    Much as with Calvinism, libertarianism can be and commonly is expressed as a monomania. but that doesn't meant that *every* point libertarians (or Calvinists!) make is wrong.
