Friday, January 20, 2006

John Loftus' new blog

John Loftus wrote: I just started a blog and I was wondering if you would mind if I
placed your blog as one of my links? I don't suppose I have to ask, but
I was also wondering if you'd dialogue with me, especially when it comes
to what I call the illusion of Christian moral superiority.

Check it out:

Then let me know, or post a comment.

John: I would be happy to be linked to, of course, and I will put an entry on my site about your blog. I'm not feeling too morally superior as a Christian these days, however, because of what our President and his minions are doing in the name of Christ. With Christians like that, who needs skeptics.


  1. "With Christians like that, who needs skeptics?"

    I don't often meet Christians who are critical of Bush. That's really, really admirable. Cheers.

  2. Jimmy Carter, Tony Campolo, and Jim Wallis are three names that come off the top of my head. Atheist philosopher Keith Parsons has a nephew by marriage, Jarrod Cochran, who sometimes posts here, who is a Christian firefighter/minister in Atlanta who is opposed to Bush.

    The above statement you quoted applies twentyfold to Pat Robertson. I can't imagine ever leaving the fold at this time, (so don't get your hopes up, Babinski) but if I did it would be the Christians, not the skeptics, who would be primarily responsible.

  3. I expect that' s how it _usually_ happens, myself. {g}

    Whlie I'm not as anti-Bush as some people (and my politics, such as they are, are generally conservative), I've stated before (here and/or at Bill Vallicella's journal) that I think Bush should be impeached (even though I'm cautiously in favor of the war); and I've called his amendment attempt "abominable" (even though I'm against homosexuality per se). I still stand by that.

    (I also happen to think a lot of the anti-Bush positions are simply contentious opportunism; which makes it more difficult to criticize him accurately. One of the more balanced and nuanced, if implicit, criticims can be found in the excellent documentary interview of Robert MacNamara, _Fog of War_. MacN is a Christian, too, btw; a point somewhat elided over by the interviewer, but it comes through more clearly in the supplemental material.)

    Anyway, here's one conservative Christian (theologically and politically) who didn't vote for the man this previous term. (I couldn't find anyone worth voting for--rather like the conservative Christian historian Mark Knoll. His article in First Things last year was pretty good.)

    Personally, I wish Colin Powell would run for office. He'd seriously be a shoe-in, able to pull support from all political sides, and I think he'd be a competent manager. He might not be much of a _public_ politician, but so what? Sooner or later the American people are going to get tired of political showmanship, on either side. (Of course, my opinion of Powell might be hugely uninformed, too... In my case that could easily be true. {shrug})

