Sunday, March 16, 2025

A Christian Defense of Transgender Identities

 Here. Though I think most transgendering these days is the result of gender ideology and trigger-happy medical professionals who think all cases of gender dysphoria require a change of gender. I think medical science will get over this fad. 

Tuesday, February 04, 2025

The causal exclusion problem in philosophy of mind


Tbe heart of most replies to the argument from reason is that a mental event can have both a mental and a physical cause. There are problems with that idea. 

Saturday, December 14, 2024

A question for the pro-life movement: Any which way you can?

 There is a deep question for the pro-life movement--do you get abortion restrictions anyway you can through partisan politics (gerrymandering, etc.) if the majority of the people within a state do not believe that such legislation is justified? Every time it's on the ballot where there is no supermajority requirement, pro-choice always wins. Or is it necessary to change the culture before changing the laws?