Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Saints and Skeptics on Trump


Some time ago, this site pointed out that Donald Trump ranks as one of the most virulently anti-Christian politicians of modern times. He does not even pay lip service to the Christian virtues of fidelity, humility and repentance. He glorifies in the self and he boasts of his worldly possessions. It is no caricature to say that he is a few blasphemies shy of embodying the spirit of an antichrist.-

Graham Veale


  1. It is a huge tragedy that that Vermeer stole the presidency, He is destroying democracy and totally remaking America in the image of greed and corruption.

    see my resistance website

    Resistance is not Futile

  2. To any truly objective observer, Donald Trump is the greatest disaster to have ever befallen our country, and second only to Bishop Arius, Mohammed, or Martin Luther (take your pick), the greatest calamity to ever visit Christianity.

    God help us all!

    1. Is Trump a bigger calamity for Christianity than HItler? Of course, HItler didn't believe in "Christianity" and only proclaimed belief for political purposes. But that's exactly the case with Trump as well.

  3. Mortal: "To any truly objective observer, Donald Trump is the greatest disaster to have ever befallen our country"

    That is quite the assertion, given various natural disasters, the Great Depression, Pearl Harbor, the Civil War, 9/11, etc. Also, I notice most people tend to view their own political beliefs as "objective".

    Mortal: "...or Martin Luther"

    How so, out of curiosity?

  4. Joe: " He is destroying democracy"

    How so?

    Joe: "totally remaking America in the image of greed and corruption"

    Are you contrasting this with how it's been for a very long time now?

    From the website (wasn't sure if Joe is the author so quoting it as "website"): "The Republicans have put forth 2000 bills so far everyone of them destroying some aspect of social progress."

    Some of what the left calls "progress", I call outright disaster and am glad to see it get pushed back.

    Website: "Terminate Department of education"

    If the Department of Education was a corporate department, they would have all been fired. They are not doing good, at all.

    Website: "eliminate affordable care act"

    While there are good things in it, the act itself really sucks and is unsustainable.

    Website: "defend planned parenthood (only a minty part of that funding goes to abortion)"


    Website: "Trash the nation's clear water supply by allowing toxic dumpling, ruining tap water for 117 million Americans"

    To my knowledge, Trump is primarily revising the 2015 Obama regulation that never even went into effect due to a 6th Circuit ruling halting it, so our water supply is in the same shape it's been under Obama.

    Website: " Eliminate funding for meals on wheels"

    To my knowledge, this was mere speculation and the administration denied it last month.

    Website: "destroy PBS and many other barbaric and unconscionable things."

    I'm relatively certain that even if PBS was completely eliminated, it would not fall under the categories "barbaric" or "unconscionable".

    Website: "Destroying research on climate change at crucial moment when we are approaching tipping point"

    Cast part of the blame on your own side, by now all glaciers and ice caps were supposed to be gone, according to alarmist predictions. Last I saw, plant growth is accelerating due to the increases in CO2, so climate change is not on the level of approaching asteroid disaster that the left makes it out to be. It's not all bad, and the models have proven fairly inadequate at predicting what has actually happened. Too complex a system and not enough data.

    If the left would quit screaming like we're all going to die any day now, and if the left would quit making increased government authority and regulations and higher taxes the only possible response, then maybe the right wouldn't have such an easy time deflecting the discussion about it into the "hoax" category. Those solutions are not the only solutions.

  5. Website: "I guess he;s saving segregated lunch counters for second term."

    Hyperbole like this is not helpful. The only people demanding segregation right now are minority leftists.

    Website: "whatever war Our true leader Mr. Putin sends us to fight for him"

    Evidence that Putin is our true leader? Actual evidence, not speculation.

    Website: "We see this happening now when the evangelical church has become the American Taliban ready to sell their birthright for protecting from terrorism, at the expense of the truly helpless sea of humanity victimized by the dictatorship and war, but the Christians are taught to fear the foreigners."

    It's fascinating that the left is so desperate to bring those refugees into Western countries. And I literally mean "desperate". Every intelligence head has confirmed that we have no way of vetting who they are and that extremists are actively seeking to infiltrate the refugee population, so why risk American lives (like Europe has been doing and suffering as a result) instead of getting stable Middle Eastern countries to host them and then help supply their basic needs? Why bring them here, when we already have our own homeless and unemployed we should assist first?

    Website: "The right wing fundamentalists seek to expropriate the mantle of Prophet in pushing their political. agenda."

    Have you forgotten the Messiah treatment Obama received in 2008?

    Website: "the massive awakening of racism and antisemitism we see in the wake of Trump's influence."

    The vast majority of hatred I have seen post-Trump has been from the left. I'm not sure what sources you use for news, but they aren't serving you well.

    Regarding Christianity: Assisting the poor is not synonymous with the Democrat agenda. There are tons of awful positions the Democrats advocate, but let's talk specifically about the poor. I don't believe electing corrupt officials who will take others' money and distribute it HOPEFULLY to the poor is "assisting the poor". I don't believe easy-to-cheat welfare programs are "assisting the poor" if fraud and waste are rampant (and they are). I don't believe opening our arms and closing our eyes to anyone and everyone who wants to come here, in a world where terrorism is rampant, is "assisting the poor". I don't believe rewarding people who blatantly violate the law to be here is "assisting the poor".

    Having said all that, the right has a problem with automatically assuming that all social welfare programs are problematic, or assuming that anyone on government assistance is somehow lazy. The Christian right has a definite problem with conflating their political views with Christian values (but then, so does the left). And these are things that should be discussed, both politically and within Christianity.

    However, the amount of hate and vitriol each side is flinging at the other has got to stop. No more hyperbole, no more hysteria, no more denigrating of the other side's motives, no more assumption that the other side begins from a position of moral bankruptcy. What happened to charity?

  6. Martin Luther. [...] How so, out of curiosity?

    He was personally responsible for the breakup of Christianity into squabbling sects. Before Luther, everyone knew precisely what was preached and taught by the Church. After Luther, we have 30,000 competing factions, most headed by self-appointed "leaders" (often in hereditary dynasties), each proclaiming they are the True Voice of Christianity.

    We can lay the blame for the existence of such things as Christian Scientists, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormonism, Scientology, Seventh Day Adventists, and all the various David Koresh/Jim Jones cults out there at the feet of Martin Luther.

    Arius was (praise God!) ultimately (but just barely) defeated. Mohammed broke off pieces of the Christian World. But Luther smashed things up from the inside. So who is worst?

  7. Indeed there was. But the Catholic and Orthodox Churches even to this day teach an identical Gospel. The very real schism was entirely about matters of authority, and not about what was being taught.

  8. Mortal: "He was personally responsible for the breakup of Christianity into squabbling sects. Before Luther, everyone knew precisely what was preached and taught by the Church."

    While I find the concept of denominations repellent, I don't find the Catholic Church to be much better. (Disclaimer: I'm not a Catholic) So really, there's a non-choice between the two.

  9. All Christians understand the criticism of D.J. Trump--good commentary and worthy of consideration on our current political situation.

    What does Dr. Reppert, Mr. Hinman, and Mr. Veale think of Secretary Hillary Clinton and Vice President Mike Pence?

  10. Well, you didn't ask me, but I'll weigh in anyway.

    I think Hillary Clinton would have made a terrible president (mainly because she's so divisive, and apparently cannot relate to anyone who doesn't share her worldview). But she still would have been infinitely better than the unmitigated disaster we have now.

    Pence is a nobody - no power base. Under a President Pence, we would have rule by Congress (which might not be such a bad thing).

    Of all the candidates from both parties last year, I think Rand Paul would have been the best choice for the Republicans, and Joe Biden for the Democrats.

  11. Thanks for weighing in Mortal.

    "infinitely better than the unmitigated disaster"

    Forgive me, but this statement made me laugh. I don't mean in a mocking way. I genuinely enjoy the hyperbole of angst..."infinitely...unmitigated disaster." Perhaps it's my grim sense of humor that enjoys a guy(?) that can see the world as dark as I can sometimes.

    "Pence is a nobody" (I was hoping for comments on character) and I'm not far from you on the interesting debate a Paul vs. Biden race might have been in November.

  12. Mortal: "Of all the candidates from both parties last year, I think Rand Paul would have been the best choice for the Republicans, and Joe Biden for the Democrats."

    I don't know much about Biden beyond his tenure as VP for the last administration, but the two i would have been happy to vote for (ish) would have been Rand Paul and Jim Webb.

  13. And I unfortunately know nothing about Jim Webb, other than his Saturday Night Live caricature.

    The big problem with our debate system is they are not really debates. What's with the gotcha questions? And why is it so awful to know them in advance? We ought to have genuine formal debates, with a pre-announced topic that the candidates can prepare to discuss. No questions from a moderator. Opening statements, rebuttal, follow-up, closing statements. A real debate.

  14. Blogger Legion of Logic said...
    Website: "I guess he;s saving segregated lunch counters for second term."

    Hyperbole like this is not helpful. The only people demanding segregation right now are minority leftists.

    He's only been in office two and a half months, most of what I expect him to do he has';t done yet. But the things he has done already are a total disaster. Going by that we are in deep doh!.

    Website: "whatever war Our true leader Mr. Putin sends us to fight for him"

    Evidence that Putin is our true leader? Actual evidence, not speculation.

    He chose the false president.

    Website: "We see this happening now when the evangelical church has become the American Taliban ready to sell their birthright for protecting from terrorism, at the expense of the truly helpless sea of humanity victimized by the dictatorship and war, but the Christians are taught to fear the foreigners."

    It's fascinating that the left is so desperate to bring those refugees into Western countries.

    facilitating that fundies are so sold out to selfishness and greed they are willing to let them all diagonal rather than risk anything to help any of them, Kitts their rown skin?
    or their foreign linage,Or because some are Muslims?

    If Jesus teachings have any meaning at all they have to mean help refugees who have loss every farthing, the counterfeiter gospel of the GOP is all about rationalization why they can ignore the teachings.

    And I literally mean "desperate". Every intelligence head has confirmed that we have no way of vetting who they are and that extremists are actively seeking to infiltrate the refugee population,

    so why risk American lives (like Europe has been doing and suffering as a result) instead of getting stable Middle Eastern countries to host them and then help supply their basic needs? Why bring them here, when we already have our own homeless and unemployed we should assist first?

    that is total bull shit, obviously you have not studied process, They have 19 levels and it;s two years to go through and i;s grueling, only a small handful get through it, you hnave not examined the process,I have it's hard,

    Is your safety a reason to ignore the teachings of our Lord and savior? what if you were killed helping children saving lives ,do you not think god would take you in?, the gosepl of easy chruchi should not have to suffer for truth,

    Website: "The right wing fundamentalists seek to expropriate the mantle of Prophet in pushing their political. agenda."

    that is my website. I'm agitating, I'm an activist. I've been one all my life, it's written in that strident voice because it's written to stir up other activists in the resistance.I'm not saying anything don't believe,

    Have you forgotten the Messiah treatment Obama received in 2008?

    you must e nuts,Obama was treated like a commercial by the racist tea party idiot air heads. sure his fans liked him why not? he was a great man.h was brilliant he was good,ka he was Godly,I have a right to regard my president anyway I choose to.,

    Website: "the massive awakening of racism and antisemitism we see in the wake of Trump's influence."

    The vast majority of hatred I have seen post-Trump has been from the left. I'm not sure what sources you use for news, but they aren't serving you well.

    I quote southern poverty law center hundred percent,



  15. Website: "Trash the nation's clear water supply by allowing toxic dumpling, ruining tap water for 117 million Americans"

    To my knowledge, Trump is primarily revising the 2015 Obama regulation that never even went into effect due to a 6th Circuit ruling halting it, so our water supply is in the same shape it's been under Obama.

    why don;t you try actually looking at the sources that I quote?


    >>>quote>>The Trump administration is threatening to remove safeguards that protect the drinking water of more than one-third of Americans.
    Some 117 million people get at least some of their drinking water from small streams.[1] For 72 million people in 1,033 counties, more than half of their drinking water comes from small streams. Ensuring that their water is safe means keeping the water in these streams clean. (See map below. Click here for a more detailed interactive map.)
    Right now, the Clean Water Act protects these streams from pollution. But this week President Trump issued an executive order directing Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt to rescind or revise the Clean Water Rule, or replace it with a new rule.
    This critically important rule determines which streams, rivers and lakes are protected from pollution by the Clean Water Act. The rule also extends protection for millions of acres of wetlands that filter drinking water.
    Industry and agribusiness have been pushing for years to roll back the Clean Water Rule and protect only the biggest streams and rivers. Now they’ve found a friend in the Trump administration.
    Small streams are where big rivers start, and the best science confirms that dirty streams means even dirtier rivers. Millions of Americans drink water directly connected to 234,000 miles of small, potentially unprotected streams.
    In 21 different states, small streams provide drinking water for 1 million or more people. (See chart below.) More than 5 million people in each New York, Texas and Pennsylvania get drinking water from small streams, as do more than 3 million in each California, Georgia, Maryland, Ohio, North Carolina and Arizona.>>>>close quote

  16. Website: "Destroying research on climate change at crucial moment when we are approaching tipping point"

    Cast part of the blame on your own side, by now all glaciers and ice caps were supposed to be gone, according to alarmist predictions. Last I saw, plant growth is accelerating due to the increases in CO2, so climate change is not on the level of approaching asteroid disaster that the left makes it out to be. It's not all bad, and the models have proven fairly inadequate at predicting what has actually happened. Too complex a system and not enough data.

    so foolsih! First how does being wrong about an estimate mean we are responsible? secondarily so what if it was off? means we might have a little more time bt Trump is destroying that, Thirdly, all you are really saying is we aren ot at the end of the process yet. therefore there is no process,that is ridiculous. we are still putting out FF emissions and our population is rightism on j curve and so emissions will only get worse. the idea that it's a natural problem is stupid. we don't even need science to the illogic of that but in fact 97%of scientists agree.

    climate change:97% solution

    If the left would quit screaming like we're all going to die any day now, and if the left would quit making increased government authority and regulations and higher taxes the only possible response, then maybe the right wouldn't have such an easy time deflecting the discussion about it into the "hoax" category. Those solutions are not the only solutions.

    you are a sucker, this guy is stealing you blind he's tricking you into supporting his satanic agenda on the premise that God demands that you always vote republican which he don't and then he destroys every shred of progress made in the 20th century you refuse to look because you still have to beat the left thing, typically hysterical of republican need to vanquish all foes, at the expense of truth.

    every issue here you turn it into "well if the left didn't whine if the let didn't blah blan it's all the left's fault you wont even look at the evidence.

  17. Pence is a nobody - no power base. Under a President Pence, we would have rule by Congress (which might not be such a bad thing).

    Of all the candidates from both parties last year, I think Rand Paul would have been the best choice for the Republicans, and Joe Biden for the Democrats.

    congress some decent ones but two major groups taht suck: the freedom from empathy Caucasus,I still believe they are out to Kull the herd,(murder poor people). Then spineless mindless omne;s who began saying never Trump and then wound up cow towing to him, like /rubio

  18. Joe: "He chose the false president."

    Putin wasn't legally able to vote, unlike the voters who gave Trump over 270 electoral votes. Donald Trump is legally and legitimately the 45th president of the United States.

    Unless you have evidence that votes were literally hacked by Russia...?

    Joe: "If Jesus teachings have any meaning at all they have to mean help refugees who have loss every farthing"

    Again, there is nothing in that that says we have to bring them here, since we have our own needy already, as opposed to creating a safe zone in the Middle East. The latter ensures American safety while also helping those who have lost everything, and also keeps them in a more familiar setting - I would not want to get uprooted from the Ozarks to Egypt. Win-win for everyone.

    Joe: "you must e nuts,Obama was treated like a commercial by the racist tea party idiot air heads."

    And Trump is treated even worse by the left. Also, I was Tea Party and not racist or an idiot, so facts obviously don't match your biased activist narrative.

    Joe: "sure his fans liked him why not?

    Countless reasons, if you weren't a progressive. Also, nice spin. Worshiping Obama is a "sure why not" proposition, but liking Trump (or probably anyone even associated with the political right) is an evil twisting of Christian doctrine. Uh huh.

    Joe; "he was a great man.h was brilliant he was good,ka he was Godly"

    There is zero evidence that any of these are true. Being at an Ivy League college or being president are not evidence of being brilliant, either.

    Joe: "I have a right to regard my president anyway I choose to."

    And you are maligning those who disagree. Political activism doesn't seem to mesh too well with charity.

    Joe: "I quote southern poverty law center hundred percent,"

    I don't use left-wing activist sources as news sources.

    Joe: "why don;t you try actually looking at the sources that I quote?"

    Okay, so a bill was introduced in the House to dismantle the EPA. Big whoop. Democrats have offered bills to criminalize male masturbation as a pathetic "counter" to anti-abortion efforts. The House is known for all sorts of bills being introduced and going nowhere.

    Also, like I said, it targets the "Clean Water Rule" from 2015, which has been on hold pending litigation, so the quality of our water from Obama to Trump would not change due to that.

    Joe: "so foolsih"

    No, it's not. We are living in an age of scientific illiteracy and biased media sources. People are gravitating toward the sources that back up what they already believe. And when alarmists make worst-case scenarios attempting to push change, and those scenarios never materialize, it makes it even easier to tell people "See! It was just a hoax!" That's the problem with activists - they go overboard and make themselves look bad, and hurt their own cause.

    And as I said, increased government regulations and taxes are not the only solution.

    Joe: "you are a sucker, this guy is stealing you blind he's tricking you into supporting his satanic agenda on the premise that God demands that you always vote republican which he don't"

    Another failing of the activist is assumptions based on stereotypes. I didn't vote for Trump and I don't like Trump. I also despise the Republican party, and I hate how conservatives have conflated conservatism with Christianity. The difference between you and me is that I also turn that critical eye to the left, which you don't by all appearances. The reason you are hearing about the left from me is because you are only attacking the right, and I'm pointing out that both sides deserve criticism.

  19. I think the Left has some real blind spots. It treats any support for the unborn as an attack on "choice" and produces too many knee-jerk reactions. There are exceptions in the Democratic Party. Unlike some Catholic Democrats (Nancy Pelosi comes to mind), Joe Biden seems very sincere in his moral opposition to abortion, while opposing the jurisprudence that would overturn Roe. In a future post I plan to explain how his position can be coherent.

    Obeisance to the more radical side of the gay community and their refusal to take issues of religious freedom seriously is another blind spot. There was an Obama administration official who said something I thought was particularly abominable on that score. This is particularly problematic because gay advocates very often act like the acceptance police. They treat any ethical objection to homosexual activity as homophobia.

  20. Legion of Logic said...
    Joe: "He chose the false president."

    Putin wasn't legally able to vote, unlike the voters who gave Trump over 270 electoral votes. Donald Trump is legally and legitimately the 45th president of the United States.

    Putin didn't vote, therefore, he had no influence on the election that is rational! That's like saying Niuxon didn't plant he bugs himself so he had no role in Watergate.

    are you really unaware of the link between Putin, wiki leaks and Comey influencing the election in the last week by opening new investigation on more email then it turns out they were old news? Everyone knows that threw the election by itself. then there were voter intimidation irregularities all over the country,some in Ft Worth where Hispanics were intimidated from voting.

    Unless you have evidence that votes were literally hacked by Russia...?

    that's irrational, the hacking was illegal,.Russian operatives broke our law and burgled content from American servers to get info that would help Trump and interjected into the election proceeds throughout the campaign that had a clear chilling effect on voting, coming out of McCain's committee been plastered all over the news for moths, are you really that out of it?

    Joe: "If Jesus teachings have any meaning at all they have to mean help refugees who have loss every farthing"

    Again, there is nothing in that that says we have to bring them here, since we have our own needy already, as opposed to creating a safe zone in the Middle East. The latter ensures American safety while also helping those who have lost everything, and also keeps them in a more familiar setting - I would not want to get uprooted from the Ozarks to Egypt. Win-win for everyone.

    your own precious little safety is in greater danger from our own right wing gun nuts.

    America is not holy it's just another country ran by greedy men,there is no safe zone in the middle east,we have no such place,that is an irrational answer, fantasy time,

  21. Joe: "you must e nuts,Obama was treated like a criminal by the racist tea party idiot air heads."

    And Trump is treated even worse by the left. Also, I was Tea Party and not racist or an idiot, so facts obviously don't match your biased activist narrative.

    Trump is the anti Christ, he;s stupid,he;s insane. he's irrational, he's senile,he's selfish, he's the personification of greed, he's a childish egotistical spoiled brat,he's a fool those are his good qualities. Yes he;s the absolute worst, but other than that...

    Joe: "sure his fans liked him why not?

    Countless reasons, if you weren't a progressive. Also, nice spin. Worshiping Obama is a "sure why not" proposition, but liking Trump (or probably anyone even

    you worship Trump he's replaced Jesus hasn't he? they even said that some one called him new savior,

    Joe; "he was a great man.h was brilliant he was good,ka he was Godly"

    There is zero evidence that any of these are true. Being at an Ivy League college or being president are not evidence of being brilliant, either.

    and also he's black that was his true sin! that fact is behind all of the vilification of Obama blaming him for everything.

    I don't have to prove that Obama was a great man that's my view of him nothing you can do but I bet it creates real deep seated sense of conflict right? a great man and he;s black something wrong there hu? no other explanation for the total vilification

    Joe: "If Jesus teachings have any meaning at all they have to mean help refugees who have loss every farthing"

    Again, there is nothing in that that says we have to bring them here, since we have our own needy already, as opposed to creating a safe zone in the Middle East. The latter ensures American safety while also helping those who have lost everything, and also keeps them in a more familiar setting - I would not want to get uprooted from the Ozarks to Egypt. Win-win for everyone.

    that is fantasy time, there is no safe place in the middle east.that is racist,.we can;t share the sacred land with evil brown brown skins they might hurt us sacred holy people

    Joe: "you must e nuts,Obama was treated like a commercial by the racist tea party idiot air heads."

    And Trump is treated even worse by the left. Also, I was Tea Party and not racist or an idiot, so facts obviously don't match your biased activist narrative.

    no one is, there are no racists,I am just ab]guy who is deeply outraged at having a black President

    Joe: "sure his fans liked him why not?

    Countless reasons, if you weren't a progressive. Also, nice spin. Worshiping Obama is a "sure why not" proposition, but liking Trump (or probably anyone even associated with the political right) is an evil twisting of Christian doctrine. Uh huh.

    Joe; "he was a great man.h was brilliant he was good,ka he was Godly"

    There is zero evidence that any of these are true. Being at an Ivy League college or being president are not evidence of being brilliant, either.

    Joe: "I have a right to regard my president anyway I choose to."

    And you are maligning those who disagree. Political activism doesn't seem to mesh too well with charity.

    Joe: "I quote southern poverty law center hundred percent,"

    I don't use left-wing activist sources as news sources.

    you choose to regard any source that differs from your right wing ideology as "left wing" so the only non left wing sources are those you use to back you ideology,

    SPLC is the experts in the field. there is no conservative Republican organization that fights racism and studies hate groups,

  22. Joe: "why don;t you try actually looking at the sources that I quote?"

    Okay, so a bill was introduced in the House to dismantle the EPA. Big whoop. Democrats have offered bills to criminalize male masturbation as a pathetic "counter" to anti-abortion efforts. The House is known for all sorts of bills being introduced and going nowhere.

    the bill to which you refer is not even worth mention. I have not even put out an lert on it.It had no chance,there huge much more effective attempts. He;' revoked hundreds of executive orders that controlled pollution and allows toxic dumpling and the water thing,
    them most important is the head of the EPA is sworn to destroy the EPA.

    Also, like I said, it targets the "Clean Water Rule" from 2015, which has been on hold pending litigation, so the quality of our water from Obama to Trump would not change due to that.

    that is not an answer to the article, it doesn't even address the specifics,

    Joe: "so foolsih"

    No, it's not. We are living in an age of scientific illiteracy and biased media sources. People are gravitating toward the sources that back up what they already believe.

    yes that's you! that's what the conservatives are doing,

    And when alarmists make worst-case scenarios attempting to push change, and those scenarios never materialize, it makes it even easier to tell people "See! It was just a hoax!" That's the problem with activists - they go overboard and make themselves look bad, and hurt their own cause.

    97% of scientists who study climate are not freaking out over the worst case casehardens, your right wing know nothings refuse to accept any science that doesn't tell them they don't have to change,\. that's the key you use to decide real science if it backs your ideology if it says"yes you can stay in power."

    And as I said, increased government regulations and taxes are not the only solution.

    they sure as hell are,there is no other way to force businessmen and corporations to obey the law and do what is right. the only reason you are agaisnt the it is because you want the dream that you can be rich,unless you already are they will not let you be rich.

    I am actually for public employment programs, that would give a society a return on investment,

    Joe: "I have a right to regard my president anyway I choose to."

    And you are maligning those who disagree. Political activism doesn't seem to mesh too well with charity.

  23. Joe: "you are a sucker, this guy is stealing you blind he's tricking you into supporting his satanic agenda on the premise that God demands that you always vote republican which he don't"

    Another failing of the activist is assumptions based on stereotypes. I didn't vote for Trump and I don't like Trump. I also despise the Republican party, and I hate how conservatives have conflated conservatism with Christianity. The difference between you and me is that I also turn that critical eye to the left, which you don't by all appearances. The reason you are hearing about the left from me is because you are only attacking the right, and I'm pointing out that both sides deserve criticism.inion,I am entitleed to itandyou cna't stop it, But itrips a ddeep woundin your psyche doens;ti> a greatman andhe;sblack o wecan'thave that,

    yes I do criticize the left but this is not the time, we have to beat trump and get the GOP out, they are far more destructive than the Demss,when the Dems are in we can critiize them,

    retraction above I seem to be calling you a racist.I apologize I did not mean that,It;s just passion in the heat of battle,I am sorry,I do not think that of you,

  24. Joe says the Republicans are "more dangerous" now and he is right. But only because they are in power right now. When the Democrats are in power, then they are the more dangerous.

    The interesting thing is, they are dangerous in very different ways.

  25. oe says the Republicans are "more dangerous" now and he is right. But only because they are in power right now. When the Democrats are in power, then they are the more dangerous.

    wrong, the Reps how a much more dangerous proclivity than the Demos especially extremists like freedom from empathy caucus. They are spiteful. Deported that one woman who lived im US for years had kids here just to pro e they will. Trying to eliminate the EPA, the Dems would not have allowed that out of committee. they would have done a pigeon hole veto,
