Sunday, September 13, 2009

Another critique of "I have a right to my opinion" canard


  1. Both "critiques" seem to be missing the point. What people generally really mean when they say this is, "I have the right to tell you to bugger off and stop pestering me". While I would never use that phrase myself (I'm far more honest than that), I certainly understand the sentiment. When facing that situation, I generally say something like, "You are clearly incapable of seeing reason, and I have wasted enough time on you. Have a good day, sir."

  2. BTW, a perfect example of what I'm talking about are the young earth creationists. They combine a stubborn disregard for reason, wisdom, and facts with a religious conviction that they must convert you to their way of thinking. You can be sure that you will never make them see the truth, and equally assured that they'll never stop trying to convert you to their insanity. The only possible response to such people is "I'm entitled to tell you to stop bothering me, you crazed swine".

  3. Hello Joshua,

    Interesting your words could apply to any ideologue, whether it be your chosen target (i.e., the young earth creationist) or one of the “new atheists” like Dawkins. Ideologues have similar sentiments towards those with whom they disagree.

    You wrote:

    “BTW, a perfect example of what I'm talking about are the young earth creationists. They combine a stubborn disregard for reason, wisdom, and facts with a religious conviction that they must convert you to their way of thinking. You can be sure that you will never make them see the truth, and equally assured that they'll never stop trying to convert you to their insanity. The only possible response to such people is "I'm entitled to tell you to stop bothering me, you crazed swine".”

    This can easily be said of the new atheists as well, with slight modification:

    “BTW, a perfect example of what I'm talking about are the new atheists. They combine a stubborn disregard for reason, wisdom, and facts with a religious conviction that they must convert you to their way of thinking. You can be sure that you will never make them see the truth, and equally assured that they'll never stop trying to convert you to their insanity. The only possible response to such people is "I'm entitled to tell you to stop bothering me, you crazed swine".

    Or even a calvinist towards non-Calvinists:

    “BTW, a perfect example of what I'm talking about are the Calvinists. They combine a stubborn disregard for reason, wisdom, and facts with a religious conviction that they must convert you to their way of thinking. You can be sure that you will never make them see the truth, and equally assured that they'll never stop trying to convert you to their insanity. The only possible response to such people is "I'm entitled to tell you to stop bothering me, you crazed swine".

    It was Eric Hoffer who called these type people the “true believers”. Unfortunately they are all around us. They present different views but all share the same mentality.

